I mean yeah- “I won’t love you if…” usually means they don’t love you now. It’s fair to say “I won’t find it attractive…” or something like that. I mean- I had a partner who wanted to shave her head bald. I didn’t try to stop her, it’s her head, but I don’t find a bald head attractive. I would t stop loving her, and if she had chemo or something I wouldn’t have left her or anything like that, but I’d be lying to say if for whatever reasons she was bald, I would t find it attractive.
Some people don’t find tattoos attractive or don’t find it attractive to have no tattoos or whatever else- it is what it is. Isn’t that literally what a “sexual preference” is- would most “straight” men have sex with their male best friends or “straight” women actually partner up to their female best friends? Would most lesbians date a man if he was “cool” enough and vaguely resembled the type of woman they like etc? Generally not- because you just aren’t attracted to certain people. It doesn’t matter..
.. how well you get along or how “perfect” you’d fit in each others lives or whatever else. Most of us have many friends but we don’t consider all of them attractive no? Ultimately what a person does with their body is their choice and you can feel how you feel but we love a person for them as a person, not some singular aspect of that person or for our attraction to that person. To some degree attraction can come from love and love can be helped by attraction- but if you throw down an ultimatum like that and it isn’t a clearly self destructive behavior like “you need to quit heroine or I can’t be with you…” then that ultimatum has shown how you really feel and what you really value.
Some people don’t find tattoos attractive or don’t find it attractive to have no tattoos or whatever else- it is what it is. Isn’t that literally what a “sexual preference” is- would most “straight” men have sex with their male best friends or “straight” women actually partner up to their female best friends? Would most lesbians date a man if he was “cool” enough and vaguely resembled the type of woman they like etc? Generally not- because you just aren’t attracted to certain people. It doesn’t matter..