How do you get a job? Really? Let’s ignore the fact that how you get a job depends on the job kid. Do they only take applications online? At location? Recruiter or referral only? Auditions? Apprenticeship? Internship? Do you need security clearance? Special training or certification? Do you go to a job fair? LinkedIn or another website? The former angelist was good for start ups but not so great for established companies… getting a job as a film producer or an athlete or a pilot isn’t the same as getting a job as a police officer or a banker or a chef or a retail clerk…
How do you get a job? I can’t tell you. I’ve gotten jobs because recruiters have called me. I’ve gotten jobs because a friend has referred me. I’ve gotten jobs by talking to random strangers at the store. I’ve gotten jobs by literally walking in and saying I wanted a job. I’ve gotten jobs by going to a non advertised random location and then taking a series of 3 hour tests and passing all of them….
No one can even tell you how to write a resume kid. Do you include a cover letter? Depends on the employer. How many pages? Depends. What format? What do you highlight? How many years of your career or education should you include? Do you include “buzzwords” so they know you speak the lingo or use plain language so that if the hiring person isn’t someone who actually works that speciality they can understand? Do you try to format the resume to maximize success with HR bots or to present best to human eyes? Color or none? Should you send digital resumes as .pdf or some other format?
It’s called life. Everyone takes a different path. Figure out where you want to go or what is important to you and follow the path you think will get you there. Your skills and ability and to a degree luck will largely shape where you go.
You found this website. That means you can find websites that offer jobs or at least ones that can give you guides to various specific career paths and ways to get there.
You found this website. You made a meme. That means you have the technical ability to download TurboTax and follow instructions, or find the IRS website and get all your questions answered. How do you do taxes? You follow the instructions on the form and do some math- surprisingly not unlike math homework except much simpler.
How do you buy a new house? If you’re asking questions like these you probably don’t. To humor it though- you can buy a house exactly the same way you can do your taxes or find a job. You look it up online or you pay someone money who does it for you. I feel like you must have at least once in your life seen an ad online or a billboard or a bus bench or a sign on a lawn or a flier at the grocery or laundry mat that advertised a real estate agent. Call them, give them money. Enjoy your new house kid.
How do you PAY for a house? If you have the cash you just give it to your agent when you find the place. Easy. If you don’t happen to have the $100k or $3.5 mill or whatever laying around… this is like the job thing man. You can borrow from family, get a loan from a bank, there are countless and ever changing programs for home buying and there are a trillion zillion things to consider as far as tax liability and all manner of decisions.
Are you going to buy a house right now in high school? If not- go do your math please.
The laws on real estate change. The market changes. The codes and things vary by location you choose to buy, where you live, type of property blah blah. Programs change, funding changes. Requirements change. There isn’t much to teach you that won’t be obsolete by the time you can likely buy a house. You may never be able to afford a house or you may not want to buy a house because of your living situation or other reasons. Why fill your head with such specific and quickly obsolete knowledge?
They offer home buyers courses for adults. There are government programs for first time home buyers that usually require one attend classes. The internet is full of information on home buying.
When the time is right and you want to learn- go search up buying your first home online or first time home buyers courses in your areas and sign up.
Tax accountants and attorneys take years of dedicated study to “learn taxes.” I don’t know what your taxes will look like. All there is to teach us to go to the URL for the IRS or Google your state state authority site and follow the directions. I don’t know if you have or will have investments, gifts, contest winnings, trust funds, parental support, kids or dependents, disabilities, medical expenses. Will you have a car or own a home? How much will you make? Where will you live? Will you have health insurance? Will it be government or private funded? Gambling earnings? Are you an independent contractor or self employed or unemployed or a full time employee somewhere?
So I can’t even tell you what tax form to fill out, and you’re out of your mind if you think a public school can teach you how to do your taxes for the best results- especially if you have complex tax situations. Most of your teachers probably have accountants or someone else prepares their taxes or they use turbo tax or another software.
I can’t tell you what boxes to put what info into or even the best or proper way to do things because very small differences in how you do your taxes can make big differences. If you’re that interested take accounting classes and tax prep courses. They offer them at many colleges and adult Ed programs. Some high schools offer accounting as well. You can also Google it.
One of the best skills for an adult to have regardless of the career you choose or path you take is the ability to research things and find information or figure things out. These skills can only be taught to a certain point and the rest is going to be on you- because here’s the thing about being an adult. You’re responsible. At some point people stopped teaching you things. Did school or your parents teach you how to give amazing head or run game or have the most amazing orgasms of your life? Probably not. Maybe- probably not though. You probably aren’t going to learn from school how to be a good spouse or keep a marriage or relationship together or how to break up and stay friends. They don’t teach you how to raise kids or even everything there is to know about being pregnant or giving birth.
The world is full of things that you’re going to have to figure out for yourself or find where to get the info. Do you think that big time stock brokers run around telling everyone every tip and trick they use? Do you think that office workers competing for promotions give their rivals every single idea and strategy they are using to go for that promotion? Do you think when You interview for a job they’ll tell you exactly what you need to do in order to get the highest possible offer from them? Do you think that every job wants the same person and there is a playbook you can follow and get hired anywhere you want? Why are so many people unemployed or working jobs they feel don’t pay enough if someone could just tell you a magic combination?
Generally being an adult means you are ultimately responsible. You may go to college or not- but at some point you probably will move out or at least need to do your own laundry and buy your own food. Did school teach you that? Do you know what settings to use for silk and nylon, color or dark or whites? Cottons? Do you know what dry clean only is or how to go to the dry cleaner? Can you iron? What is starch and when do you use it or how much? How do you eat on your budget? How do you even budget? How do you get a bank account? Use a credit card? Build credit? Buy stocks? What’s an option? What is a dividend? Is a stock with a dividend better than one without? What’s a split? What is capital gains? Should you write off your 2022 losses now or carry them over? Should you buy a property to minimize the tax burden from your cash out of your stocks?
You don’t need a teacher or a class for that- you need maybe an entire semester of college at least or a lot of research or experience or a professional who specializes in those things- because how you manage your life and your wealth depends on your life and your wealth. It depends on you and your goals.
Let me give you the “crash course.”
Save all your money starting as young as possible. Don’t toys. Don’t go out. Study nonstop and gain knowledge or skill in something marketable. As soon as you have enough money start investing. Ask for bonds for your birthday or stocks starting as young as possible. Manage your money and then make larger investments. Don’t go out and party. Walk or use public transit. Invest all your money. Have almost no social life. Create a strict routine eating bland low cost foods that only serve to meet your nutritional requirements and a disciplined regiment of self care. Schedule your life to optimize your ability to complete tasks like cleaning your room, ironing and caring for your clothing, exercise, study, skills practice, research, investment, part time work or earnings, etc. do this remotely well into your 20’s or 30’s and you should be ready to start having some social life but probably can buy a home etc.
Except… maybe not. Maybe your investments aren’t great or you don’t have enough money. Maybe you missed out on opportunities to learn and grow and network with people who could have brought you happiness and success because you weren’t socializing. Maybe you are out of touch with your peer group and that will hurt your chances at employment or jobs and business ideas that require understanding your peers needs and wants. Maybe you could have not studied at all and been a social media influencer and celebrity and been able to pay people to manage your wealth and do mundane tasks for you, or on a night out with buddies you’d see a common problem and come up with a new product or service or app etc. that would have blown up and you’d be the next richest person in the world but you missed it.
No one knows you adorable little idiot. Life is strange and complex. There is no single path. The closest there is to an instruction book is “be born rich, if that isn’t possible, you can follow these steps and most likely attain mediocrity.” That’s about it. You can at best generally learn to be mediocre and have at best a mediocre life. Otherwise it comes down to what you want and what you are willing to do to get it. No one is going to live your life for you except maybe if you have an overbearing parent. If you want something or need something, you need to self teach how to get it. HOW you get what you want is a big part of life. if You like jewelry you can steal it. You can make it. You can sell it. You can do something unrelated to jewelry as a career that pays enough to buy jewelry. Those are all different lives and there are all sorts of paths and each one will be different for everyone.
There is literally not enough time to teach you to be an adult and all you'll need- how to choose health care, what insurance do you need and what do all the terms and coverages mean? Does your home insurance cover your car if it is hit while in your driveway or does your car insurance or do neither or what? Maybe one home insurance does and one doesn’t and one costs more or blah blah blah. There is also lots of ambiguity to life- what life do you want? If you make $200k a year are you ok to work 120 hours a week? If you can be home everyday would you rather do that and make $40k or take a job where you are gone 6 months a year but make $80k? To have enough time to teach you to be an adult we’d need to raise the age of adulthood to at least 35 and that’s still optimistic. People in their 50’s- even many of your teachers are Still trying to figure out how to be an adult and function and succeed in the world.
No one can 100% prepare you for life, life is something you learn by doing. Figure out the life you want and go figure out how you with your specific talents and vices and personality and circumstances can make that happen, your choices will shape the life you live and the life you live will shape the choices you can make. It’s scary and there is little to no safety net. Ask questions instead of bitching. If you want to know how to do taxes ask- research so you can ask intelligent and specific questions or if you can’t even figure out where to research start by asking where to get started and then YOU go and get started. Do not expect anyone else to care about your life, especially if you don’t care enough about it to try to get where you are going before you ask others to carry your load for you.
Invest in yourself. Try to be the person you want to be and live the way you want to live and build the world you want to build. You can ask for help, but most people will be more willing to help someone who at least puts some effort in to their own lives. If no one taught you not to piss your pants but to use a toilet instead- how old would you have to be before you had that realization yourself? You think at 16, 17, 19 years old- hell- 12 years old- that if you were standing there covered in piss and looked up and said- “they never taught me to use the toilet so…” you think most people are going to have any sympathy unless you have some developmental disability? No one has to tell you to wipe your privates off after sex and clean up the mess (I hope), and teens been figuring out which holes it goes in long before porn- so I have every faith that a high school student can figure out how to do taxes in an age when collective human knowledge is available in your pocket.
How do you get a job? I can’t tell you. I’ve gotten jobs because recruiters have called me. I’ve gotten jobs because a friend has referred me. I’ve gotten jobs by talking to random strangers at the store. I’ve gotten jobs by literally walking in and saying I wanted a job. I’ve gotten jobs by going to a non advertised random location and then taking a series of 3 hour tests and passing all of them….
You found this website. That means you can find websites that offer jobs or at least ones that can give you guides to various specific career paths and ways to get there.
You found this website. You made a meme. That means you have the technical ability to download TurboTax and follow instructions, or find the IRS website and get all your questions answered. How do you do taxes? You follow the instructions on the form and do some math- surprisingly not unlike math homework except much simpler.
How do you PAY for a house? If you have the cash you just give it to your agent when you find the place. Easy. If you don’t happen to have the $100k or $3.5 mill or whatever laying around… this is like the job thing man. You can borrow from family, get a loan from a bank, there are countless and ever changing programs for home buying and there are a trillion zillion things to consider as far as tax liability and all manner of decisions.
The laws on real estate change. The market changes. The codes and things vary by location you choose to buy, where you live, type of property blah blah. Programs change, funding changes. Requirements change. There isn’t much to teach you that won’t be obsolete by the time you can likely buy a house. You may never be able to afford a house or you may not want to buy a house because of your living situation or other reasons. Why fill your head with such specific and quickly obsolete knowledge?
They offer home buyers courses for adults. There are government programs for first time home buyers that usually require one attend classes. The internet is full of information on home buying.
Tax accountants and attorneys take years of dedicated study to “learn taxes.” I don’t know what your taxes will look like. All there is to teach us to go to the URL for the IRS or Google your state state authority site and follow the directions. I don’t know if you have or will have investments, gifts, contest winnings, trust funds, parental support, kids or dependents, disabilities, medical expenses. Will you have a car or own a home? How much will you make? Where will you live? Will you have health insurance? Will it be government or private funded? Gambling earnings? Are you an independent contractor or self employed or unemployed or a full time employee somewhere?
I can’t tell you what boxes to put what info into or even the best or proper way to do things because very small differences in how you do your taxes can make big differences. If you’re that interested take accounting classes and tax prep courses. They offer them at many colleges and adult Ed programs. Some high schools offer accounting as well. You can also Google it.
Save all your money starting as young as possible. Don’t toys. Don’t go out. Study nonstop and gain knowledge or skill in something marketable. As soon as you have enough money start investing. Ask for bonds for your birthday or stocks starting as young as possible. Manage your money and then make larger investments. Don’t go out and party. Walk or use public transit. Invest all your money. Have almost no social life. Create a strict routine eating bland low cost foods that only serve to meet your nutritional requirements and a disciplined regiment of self care. Schedule your life to optimize your ability to complete tasks like cleaning your room, ironing and caring for your clothing, exercise, study, skills practice, research, investment, part time work or earnings, etc. do this remotely well into your 20’s or 30’s and you should be ready to start having some social life but probably can buy a home etc.