And because you made your character a #361F07 person he is more likely to get shot by cops
2 years ago by parrotboi · 54 Likes · 3 comments · Fresh
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· 2 years ago
lol. This one gets me. The debate over why men can generally go shirtless and women cannot has been long fought with mixed results. Nipples are nipples- chests are chests. The argument that female chests are sexualized is circular in that sexualizing female chests is a social construct- many tribes through history have not sexualized female chests- and male chests are- perhaps surprisingly to many- also found sexually attractive by many. One can blame the presence of extra fat- but then why can man with “man boobs” go topless? One can point to lactation- a very odd argument to why female breasts must be hidden-but of course, not all women lactate or can lactate and some men actually lactate. So that’s moot.
· 2 years ago
There was a fuss over this on social media some years back- I forget the platform- but female nipples were flagged and make nipples were not. So some people started photoshopping male nipples onto female breasts so that to anyone looking the picture looked unedited- but the nipples were male and thusly not “forbidden.” That is one I find rather humorous. But it is quite a bit silly that games which allow non specific or non binary gender can’t show “female” type characters chests. I suppose we can argue it is silly to even ban representations of female chests or chests that might be seen as female. Of course- many games get around having to address this controversy by simply having their avatars wear under shirts and under pants regardless of selected attributes- no bare chests period. This takes care of any sort of discrimination or adjudication to what chests are ok to show and which aren’t- though it does sort of sweep the whole issue under the rug and a concept of
· 2 years ago
“No chests can be shown” is a bit puritanical. We get to this very fundamentalist place where men and women essentially both need to be covered head to toe to prevent potentially sexually exciting glimpses that might offend or entice. What is even more humorous- and has been commented numerous ways specifically in American media or “Americanized media” is that a game for teens or even kids can be violent, even graphic- it can have crude humor and innuendo or sometimes even fowl language- but sex and nudity cause these huge controversies. While people get worked up over some violent games- usually they are dismissed by the public and experts who call them ridiculous. “Violent games don’t cause violence…” but when sex or nudity are the issues- games get pulled or re rated or patched etc. more often than not. The murder and mayhem and crime all got GTA under scrutiny and on naughty lists- but the inclusion of sex has been the most troublesome and enduring scandal of the series.