Nah I'd definitely use it to have sex with something weird
1 year ago by guest · 337 Likes · 11 comments · Popular
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· 1 year ago
I wonder how many of the people who ridiculed Silverman's projects and generally male victims of abuse had a penis. Toxic masculinity concerns any gender.
· 1 year ago
Earl Silverman suffers domestic abuse, something no one should have to suffer. That said the common narrative on Silverman as seen here is a bit… truncated. Your sibling asks for the Tv remote, you tell them to get it themselves. They trip and fall on you breaking your tooth. Someone asks “Howd you break your tooth?” And you say: “my sibling struck me in the face after I wouldn’t give them the remote..” you have told no lies nor bent any truth. 100% true, 100% accurate, but your omission of certain details creates a very different picture to most listeners than if you told the complete story. Mr. Silverman was a “men’s rights activist” and a member of several groups which have been flagged by NPO’s like SPLC and independent reviewers as anti feminist or anti woman, and called out for misrepresentation or distortion of facts and statistics, “making shit up,” and cherry picking.
· 1 year ago
We may never know the truth about what went on in the Silverman home- in relationships it’s story against story much of the time. Silverman says his wife hit him and she says he hit here. For his part he admits to hitting her at least once claiming it as retaliation. She went to a shelter, he got upset he couldn’t find a shelter, he started his own. The information is sparse because other that people who want him made a saint and people who just talk about his views on women- finding hard fact in details is tough- but Mr. Silverman did receive funds from the government. As a matter of record the government of his province even sent a male abuse victim referral to his shelter and subsidized the stay with 1000 dollars in government money. So claims he never received public money are patently false.
· 1 year ago
The primary issue was that as a private non profit Mr. Silverman could not secure the donations he required to run his shelter allegedly. I can’t find any detailed information on his finances or the shelters finances- we know Mr. Silverman and his shelter were in poor financial straights when he took his life, we do not know WHY. We do not know where his or the shelters money went or what contributed beyond it is known he had trouble securing donations- but we don’t have the details and the popular narrative is that he poured it all into his shelter and didn’t have enough- but where is the evidence he did so at all or that he managed the shelter funds or his personal funds responsibly? People go bankrupt for any number of reasons from any number of factors. Running a shelter can cost- but people can go bankrupt while carrying major expenses due to other factors- we need evidence.
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· 1 year ago
The most common cause given for the failure are vague claims that “feminists did it.” Not directly- there is no evidence of that- but the common claim is that through their advocacy for women’s rights feminists have made men’s issues trivialized and thusly their advocacy for women’s rights is itself an assault on men. That’s what you’ll mostly find when researching this- which… well… I’m gonna leave that alone because there’s a lot to unpack there. But anyway- we don’t know exactly what his finances were or if things were properly managed or why he was in trouble etc. we know it is generally agreed upon that he had trouble getting donations and funding. Which- could also have something to do with his, and by extension his organizations perception due to the whole… being strongly involved with a bunch of toxic loonies. If you want to get government funding, my advice is to avoid groups that say things like “by fighting for women’s rights you attack the rights of men..”
· 1 year ago
Among other things anyway. That said- he surely helped some people and went through some bad stuff himself. At some point he became an alcoholic, some sources say as a result of the abuse and others say he was already there before it- but that likely didn’t help his overall situation and was more suffering on the plate of a man who obviously had been through quite a bit. He killed himself as a political statement, a sadly common theme among men’s rights activists, leaving behind a note making clear his suicide was a political statement and willing his assets to funding for men’s assistance programs.
Edited 1 year ago
· 1 year ago
You don’t need a fine machine. He killed himself in 2013. Unless you are too young to even be called a man you could have donated at any time. His shelter Ran from at least 2004 to 2013. Anyone alive then could have donated. The shelter and the guy were news stories on more than one occasion before he hung himself. As a matter of fact Canada and other nations have other men’s shelters. You can donate money or- maybe even better- time, to assist these shelters now if you care. It seems that in the men’s rights circles he frequented and the men’s rights groups he was a member of there weren’t enough people, even in groups of men who spend their time online and arm chair advocating for men’s rights- there weren’t enough people out there who cared enough to keep this going. To donate, as most private shelters and charities depend on regardless of government funding.
· 1 year ago
See- abuse victims- they are often traumatized. They can and often do carry fear or anxiety around those who remind them of their abusers or who have the sex of their abusers. This is one reason “coed” abuse facilities can be a bad idea- the risk that men or women staying there with the other gender might not feel safe in that vulnerable period or might even feel like taking “revenge” against the opposite sex- and they know that everyone there is a “victim,” perhaps perceived as “weaker,” so what better time? Then there’s also the fact abuse is often a two way street. He hits her, she hits him- and then what? They each leave the house for safety and… go stay at the same coed shelter with each other…? Yeah. Didn’t think of that huh? How do you make sure that abusers and victims, current or past, don’t end up in the same shelter? They may not e married or share a last name or even a home address. And let’s say we can sort that out- ok, so one shelter is 5 miles from their home and…
· 1 year ago
.. the next closest is 30 miles. That doesn’t work well generally no? First coke first serve? How do we deal with the possibility that your abusers friends might enter the shelter to keep an eye on you or get to you? Of course we can have different sex friends, but let’s be real- your wife probably doesn’t have a guy friend or vice versa for your husband- who is going to go help you terrorize them most likely. That is gonna generally be a thing between same sex pals. So we have some problems with coed shelters. We also have a problem because while men are abused and it is serious issue- women are abused FAR more often when it comes to violence and physical harm. So figuring out how to allocate funds and where to set up the shelters- not impossible but try and find a public funded place to get some oxygen if you have a condition that requires O2 tanks. Funding does follow awareness to a degree but also need. Way more people can use a cop or a library each day than an air tank station.
· 1 year ago
That’s where advocacy comes in- and advocating for things men need is often done by venomous manlets sadly. They aren’t effective communicators and- we go back to the independent researchers on this- many men’s rights groups spend more time and resources going after feminists or trying to repeal or oppose laws and bills aimed at protecting women than actually lobby for men’s rights. So like… duh. If you want to get your city hall to pass a bill to offer mortgage assistance you probably should ask for that instead of going and and telling about how you can’t pay your mortgage unless the city stops protecting the homeless. If you want lens rights stop trying to fight women. Duh. Sometimes you may need to fight off another bill or law to find your proposal- that is it’s own thing, but when it’s under a vague cry of every win for them is a loss for us… that isn’t fighting for your rights.
· 1 year ago
If you think Earl Silverman was a hero, if you think he was a martyr of a noble cause- forget the time machine and save your canned speech about how “females” have it easy- instead go donate to one of the men’s shelters that are open. Write your representatives a coherent letter telling them you want to see funding for male abuse victims. Go volunteer, sponsor a bill, start a petition, picket, vote, do all the things that people who felt their civil rights were in danger or being ignored have done that have shown to bear fruit with persistence and a just cause for hundreds of years. If women say around and bitched about how easy men had it or how if they had a Time Machine they would have helped out instead of protests and pickets and appeals and actual work, they still probably wouldn’t have a vote in most of the world. You don’t need a Time Machine, you can do something NOW, in the present. If you aren’t, if you won’t, then you wouldn’t put the effort to go back and time to help.