Derpy dash- a scalpel has never saved a life nor has a car or a toaster oven or a computer. These things are tools. People save lives. Animals save lives. Tools are used to do things.
Guns shoot bullets. There are uses for that in niche settings but the big one is shooting people. Of course an empty fist, a taser, a beanbag or a gas or tranquilizer can all kill people too, there is no “no lethal” self defense save perhaps running away if possible and practical. So yes dead boy, guns kill people. Most police forces around the globe have guns. “The UK..” they don’t have police with guns? There is no situation in the UK where anyone but the military would show up to an emergency with a gun? Yeah. Uh huh. Wether you killed dinner yourself or bought it dead someone killed it. So it is splitting hairs to say we should rely on the police to shoot people.
Now- to this specific meme- we don’t actually know of anyone’s life was saved. The robbers were armed and they hit a guy, but we don’t know what would have happened if the family just let the robbers do as they liked. Maybe they would have left without any deaths, maybe they’d have killed the whole family. We don’t know because they were stopped before we could find out. That’s pragmatic of course, “wait and see” isn’t something I’d generally recommend when armed criminals have you at their whim and you have viable options to not acquiesce to whatever their desires dictate. A murder is bad enough but let’s not forget that rape or other crimes also aren’t off the table when it comes to home invasions.
A death did occur, and it was caused by a gun. We can’t exactly challenge derpy dash on point 2. Guns go bang and people get hurt. Ideally it isn’t innocent people and in the most ideal cases we never feel any need to use guns as there aren’t threats. So sure. But when there are threats?
Guns shoot bullets. There are uses for that in niche settings but the big one is shooting people. Of course an empty fist, a taser, a beanbag or a gas or tranquilizer can all kill people too, there is no “no lethal” self defense save perhaps running away if possible and practical. So yes dead boy, guns kill people. Most police forces around the globe have guns. “The UK..” they don’t have police with guns? There is no situation in the UK where anyone but the military would show up to an emergency with a gun? Yeah. Uh huh. Wether you killed dinner yourself or bought it dead someone killed it. So it is splitting hairs to say we should rely on the police to shoot people.
A death did occur, and it was caused by a gun. We can’t exactly challenge derpy dash on point 2. Guns go bang and people get hurt. Ideally it isn’t innocent people and in the most ideal cases we never feel any need to use guns as there aren’t threats. So sure. But when there are threats?