We will not be skipping any cutscenes here
2 years ago by denizoken · 390 Likes · 3 comments · Popular
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· 2 years ago
I’ll only skip if I’ve already seen the cut scene and I have to go back to resection, otherwise I watch it from start to finish because of this reason and because skipping may very well result of me missing something that could be critically important later on.
· 2 years ago
Mostly agree. Depends on the game and sometimes the cutscene such as if it is FMV etc. vs. “filler” or such- but I play a lot of story and plot centric games where missing a cut scene at best reduces the game to a series of fetches or fights you don’t understand or at worst leaves you completely confused on what to do next or musing major details for gameplay or story. To each their own though- I mean, I tend to see a paycheck as appreciation of work and anything else is a bonus, but that’s a philosophical question of wether one believes that a creation “belongs” to the creator or the audience. Like- is it an insult to wear a Basketball shoe to not play basketball or to take a car made for economy and tune it for sporty driving? If Nolan or Cameron want their movies watched on a 40 foot screen with 800 speakers and I miss it in theaters I’m not going to forgo watching it or build an auditorium out of respect.
· 2 years ago
I need a speedrun world record where they don't skip cutscenes and still beat other runners that do.