Until you realize that the Bible and really all holy books were written by ancient cabals of elder vampires. The words in the books serve as coded messages between vampires and those worthy enough to decode the meanings and gather in the ways of the current customs.
Every so often the cabal changes their texts. The old books are abandoned and those trying to use the coded messages in them are outed as not being “in the circle.” The vampires keep their books secret but they know that eventually through spies and carelessness all secrets get out. By using seemingly innocuous but obscure texts aimed at small groups and under the guise of legitimate purpose they hide the information and keep the secret longer.
It isn’t suspicious that certain groups would meet regularly or carry a book everywhere or have multiple copies under the guise of religion. It provides legitimate cover stories and one central narrative to keep everyone’s cover consistent. It can be used as a tool
To cultivate and gather those who aren’t in on the secrets but who unknowingly are playing into the will of the vampire cabal. As the books and their non coded knowledge gets out, it becomes too difficult to remain attached to that cover and stay in control while not being noticed. The odds of discovery of the secret meanings and such in the books becomes greater. The vampires abandon that cover and create a new one to hide their secret coded messages and procedures and rules. The disgraced faiths sometimes languish and vanish and other times carry on a life of their own.
If ever someone accidentally stumbles on their secrets or some anti vampire force sniffs them out or seems to being growing suspicious they may just go invent a new faith and a new code book. The modern age has seen vampires both blessed in that they have the freedom to more easily create small faiths that go ignored and religious tolerance grants them more leeway, but as is evidenced by all the schisms and novel religions that keep popping up, the Information Age also put them at greater risk of discovery by those forces working against them and forces them to more frequently adapt to stay ahead.
Every so often the cabal changes their texts. The old books are abandoned and those trying to use the coded messages in them are outed as not being “in the circle.” The vampires keep their books secret but they know that eventually through spies and carelessness all secrets get out. By using seemingly innocuous but obscure texts aimed at small groups and under the guise of legitimate purpose they hide the information and keep the secret longer.
To cultivate and gather those who aren’t in on the secrets but who unknowingly are playing into the will of the vampire cabal. As the books and their non coded knowledge gets out, it becomes too difficult to remain attached to that cover and stay in control while not being noticed. The odds of discovery of the secret meanings and such in the books becomes greater. The vampires abandon that cover and create a new one to hide their secret coded messages and procedures and rules. The disgraced faiths sometimes languish and vanish and other times carry on a life of their own.