A common complaint that in my experience is sometimes valid but often is not. Often it doesn’t require a mind reader. Sometimes an attentive and thoughtful person would be expected to reach certain conclusions unless they were not paying attention or considering others.
Sometimes she just wants someone who shares her values and priorities and way of thinking- here is an example: if you are driving along and see something you think is cool, a building, a car, a mural, something odd- and you say: “wow- see that?” Does the other person go “whoa!” Or do they say “see what?” Someone you’re somewhat in step with or present in the moment with will likely see the same thing because it caught their attention too. You may have a friend or sibling whom you don’t need to always say a plan in words, you might just need a look or not even a look- the two of you see the situation and know each other well enough that you just know what you need to or are going to do.
A lot of people, not just women, want this. They want to have someone who “gets them” and is in step with them. I like to have pizza for dinners on Friday. It just makes sense to me. It’s natural. It’s Friday- that’s a good pizza day. It fits the mood. I have a friend I met maybe around our 40’s who he and his wife do the same thing. We became very good friends because it turns out we just “click” in those ways- we tend to agree, we tend to naturally share little customs and interests and even moods. Another common “woman” complaint- “what is for dinner?” Can be similar. Maybe it’s too hot for her to want soup or too cold to want sandwiches. Maybe it seems natural to her that iced tea or lemonade fit a nice summer afternoon spent lounging- and we tend to like and get along easily with people who think like us.
Often times others priorities can seem off to us, but we seldom stop to think that from their perspective that our priorities might seem off to them. It doesn’t matter if you both want the same things in life and are on track meeting expectations to get there or not- some people only care about the big picture- if they have the family they want and the home they want and can pay their bills- a relationship is more an attachment to them for support vs. A a friendship. Those who want a friend from their partner need more than just that you provide material things or help with tasks or that you show up and are reliable.
Sometimes she just wants someone who shares her values and priorities and way of thinking- here is an example: if you are driving along and see something you think is cool, a building, a car, a mural, something odd- and you say: “wow- see that?” Does the other person go “whoa!” Or do they say “see what?” Someone you’re somewhat in step with or present in the moment with will likely see the same thing because it caught their attention too. You may have a friend or sibling whom you don’t need to always say a plan in words, you might just need a look or not even a look- the two of you see the situation and know each other well enough that you just know what you need to or are going to do.