Well I mean… this one comes up often and I swear I won’t go too deep.
1. Most mothers literally “forget” the pain. They don’t forget that it hurt- but they forget the pain. A host of other biological and psychological factors as well as social factors come in to play but basically the short version is they remember it hurt but now how much until they do it again. This plugs in to the next example…
2. Most of us can relate in some way. How many people have sworn they’d never drink at all or that much again, waking up hung over, throwing up, dry heaves, misery. And then.. we do it again later. Was it not that bad? If you wake up hung over badly or heaving do you go “well this isn’t REALLY that bad or I wouldn’t do it again..” how many smokers or addicts have horrible or unpleasant complications? How many people have divorced or been dumped and sworn off love or marriage only to try again?
Is it common for motorcycle riders to get in a crash and quit forever? There are riders walking around with pins and scars right now. Does every athlete that tears a ligament or breaks a bone quit? Every boxer that gets savaged in the ring? Does that mean it doesn’t hurt to have Tyson beat on your face for half an hour full force? “I’ll never stay up this late..” “I’ll never eat chipotle again..” etc etc. and yet… so even ignoring all the ways the body and mind mess with women when it comes to reproduction- simply put people in general aren’t great at risk/reward or goal/consequences decisions. Or at the least we can say we tend to put the reward above the cost much of the time, especially when the cost is paid later.
1. Most mothers literally “forget” the pain. They don’t forget that it hurt- but they forget the pain. A host of other biological and psychological factors as well as social factors come in to play but basically the short version is they remember it hurt but now how much until they do it again. This plugs in to the next example…
2. Most of us can relate in some way. How many people have sworn they’d never drink at all or that much again, waking up hung over, throwing up, dry heaves, misery. And then.. we do it again later. Was it not that bad? If you wake up hung over badly or heaving do you go “well this isn’t REALLY that bad or I wouldn’t do it again..” how many smokers or addicts have horrible or unpleasant complications? How many people have divorced or been dumped and sworn off love or marriage only to try again?