I mean this one we recently did already.
Firstly transphobic is a strong prejudice or dislike- you can have a mild or weak prejudice or dislike and not be transphobic.
Secondly, All triangles without curves have corners, but not all shapes with straight lines and corners are triangles.
If a triangle asks you out and you say no because you are not attracted to corners, that isn’t a prejudice against triangles, you don’t like corners.
If a square asks you out and you say yes though- a square has corners. More than a triangle even. That would contradict your claims that you don’t have a prejudice against triangles just corners. Now, if a triangle were to round its corners, it no longer has corners, so unless you have a specific issue with triangles and not merely shapes with corners- your prejudice is revealed.
At the end of the day though you’re free to like what you like. Perhaps it isn’t that you dislike shapes with corners- perhaps you dislike triangles or..
For your plans or what you want to build a triangle isn’t a suitable shape. That is what it is. People do those things all the time. People may not date outside their religion because they want someone who knows and shares their faith. They may not date outside their culture because they want someone who can navigate it like a native. People might not date those who don’t make “enough money” as they can’t provide the life they want. Does it make you an elitist because you don’t date homeless people? And yes- trans or no- some people want to have biological children and will not date someone who cannot provide them with biological children “one on one.”
So it is inherently flawed and doesn’t hold up to scrutiny based on tiene accepted reasons not to date someone that not dating a trans person is inherently bigoted against trans- it can simply be that there are things about a trans person that you do not find attractive or that are “deal breakers” for you.
I think it is important to mention though that saying you wouldn’t date ANY trans person or ANY poor person or ANY person of a given race etc. is generally inherently bigoted. It makes the assumption that all people in that group are alike. Given the diversity of people in the world, whatever your objection is to dating a certain individual, and whatever general trait a group commonly has- it is rare that universally ALL members of that group share that trait.
For example not all Asians have black hair or biologically have black hair. Not all “whites” are fair skinned, not all black or Mexican or any other people look alike and so forth, and people from various groups can grow up in circumstances where they may have any cultural background or religious views etc. so to say you wouldn’t date an Asian because you don’t like black hair is ignorant at best but generally is an attempt to hide or be in denial of a prejudice. Specific to trans to two constants one might mention could involve person to person child birth or chromosomes. To the first point- there ARE trans persons one could have person to person child birth with though admittedly it is almost unheard of and involves a big edge case for a male with an M-F trans partner or a female with an F-M partner to have this option.
To the second case- no one besides maybe the smallest most specific and oddest fetish group is attracted to chromosomes. You can’t even tell generally as far as science shows, and most people never get a genetic work up on a partner and just take for granted from their appearance and other context that they are a certain chromosome grouping. So that one is silly to mention. Children are basically the one true place where someone might nearly universally rule out a trans partner for reasons other than being trans without invoking some sort of bigotry. Other than that almost any objection would be case by case- though again in fairness there are certain things that nearly universally go with aspects of being transgender and it’s fair if a person doesn’t want to bring those to a relationship.
So do you, and no, it isn’t automatically transphobia or a trans prejudice to not date a trans person. It may likely be prejudice against trans to not date a trans person because they are trans, but it is not a trans prejudice to not date a specific trans person because of specific aspects inherent to them eg: has genitals that you don’t want to play with, cannot have p2p biological kids with you, or any other reasons that may apply to a non trans person.
Let’s not forget that “hetero cis” men and women don’t generally date every single female/male that comes their way and neither do LGBTQ+. There may be many reasons a person doesn’t want to date someone that have nothing to do with their inherent identity and more to do with aspects of their reality.
… but if you say you “won’t date ANY trans person” that’s pretty bias. How do you know that you won’t meet a trans person who is perfect for you and you find attractive? If you make it about them being trans that’s prejudice.
Firstly transphobic is a strong prejudice or dislike- you can have a mild or weak prejudice or dislike and not be transphobic.
Secondly, All triangles without curves have corners, but not all shapes with straight lines and corners are triangles.
If a triangle asks you out and you say no because you are not attracted to corners, that isn’t a prejudice against triangles, you don’t like corners.
If a square asks you out and you say yes though- a square has corners. More than a triangle even. That would contradict your claims that you don’t have a prejudice against triangles just corners. Now, if a triangle were to round its corners, it no longer has corners, so unless you have a specific issue with triangles and not merely shapes with corners- your prejudice is revealed.
At the end of the day though you’re free to like what you like. Perhaps it isn’t that you dislike shapes with corners- perhaps you dislike triangles or..
I think it is important to mention though that saying you wouldn’t date ANY trans person or ANY poor person or ANY person of a given race etc. is generally inherently bigoted. It makes the assumption that all people in that group are alike. Given the diversity of people in the world, whatever your objection is to dating a certain individual, and whatever general trait a group commonly has- it is rare that universally ALL members of that group share that trait.
Let’s not forget that “hetero cis” men and women don’t generally date every single female/male that comes their way and neither do LGBTQ+. There may be many reasons a person doesn’t want to date someone that have nothing to do with their inherent identity and more to do with aspects of their reality.
… but if you say you “won’t date ANY trans person” that’s pretty bias. How do you know that you won’t meet a trans person who is perfect for you and you find attractive? If you make it about them being trans that’s prejudice.