Derp. What is it about so many “freedom of speech” and “cancel culture” snowflakes that makes the concept of prohibited speech and consequence for speech so hard to grasp? Twitter is a private company and very few people are trying to say that Twitter should not be allowed to set content policies. People are saying that they disagree with the content policies Twitter is setting. That’s called… free speech. Twitter is a user based community forum and users are voicing their opinions on what they think of the forum or their reviews or reasons for using or not using the forum. It is entirely up to Twitter management if they want to listen or not and entirely up to users if they wish to continue using Twitter if the environment of the platform doesn’t suit them. The same as before. If people didn’t agree with pre Elon Twitter policy or environment they didn’t have to use it.
The missing component of course is that of public spaces- within the United States certain rules and principles bind even private enterprise within the communications industry. In general a forum open to all should attempt to be a comfortable and relatively safe space for all- hence why you cannot pull your genitals out at most restaurants or perform self dentistry in the public library or in most of the country- smoke inside even in private spaces open to the public. Sadly these things shouldn’t need to be laws but the world is full of go print people and assholes who force rules to be made with their poor manners and selfish behavior. being forbidden by law or decree isn’t really the point geniuses.
If it were legal to own slaves, would you? If it were legal to beat your spouse, would you? If it were legal to have incest- would you? Even if it were legal your actions in those scenarios would show a lot about your character.
In the absence of rules against a behavior it is especially true. If there is no consequence for being a horrible person, those who are truly horrible will show their true selves.
Go back and read through history and understand that unequivocally it is clear that some people are just already on the wrong side of history.
If it were legal to own slaves, would you? If it were legal to beat your spouse, would you? If it were legal to have incest- would you? Even if it were legal your actions in those scenarios would show a lot about your character.
Go back and read through history and understand that unequivocally it is clear that some people are just already on the wrong side of history.