Quite some debate on the topic. Without supporting or rebuking AI creations I can say this- in the original film the robot “checked” will smith by asking “can you?” It is an interesting question, not just because he is calling smiths character out on his lack of creative talent, but because there tend to be certain formulas to things. There are generally two main types of creators like artists and musicians- those which follow a set of prescribed rules and their art is largely judged on their ability to follow those rules, and those which intuitively follow a set of unwritten or yet discovered rules. This is part of what is often scoffed at in “modern” or “surrealist” and other styles of non traditional art.
So look, in general we have some pretty good ideas what works and what doesn’t. What most people like or the types of emotions or responses things will tend to elicit. Color theory is well studied- based on the human eye and brain, what colors tend to go well together and which do not, colors and combinations that tend to make people relaxed, energized, uncomfortable etc. tomes exist on how to draw lines and almost any object in different ways to influence perception. In music there are mathematical formulas of what “works” and what doesn’t. Most “pop” songs are written to follow and exploit there rules and most well liked songs tend to follow those rules wether the writer knew what they were doing or the song just happened to follow those rules. Because that’s what tends to sound good to humans.
Have you ever heard random sounds that were musical? The dripping of water or some other background noises that sounded a bit like music or even sounded good- like wind causing things to hang around and create a sick beat? When that happens it is almost always that a set of factors has caused the random noises made to fit a set of rules and patterns. Musical theory. It is why you can’t just record random sounds and have it work as music by and large. Without a structure you don’t have music you have noise. If you have a structure but that structure doesn’t follow the rules of what can generally be considered enjoyable to listen to you have music most people won’t like.
While there are many genres of music that tend to represent certain commonalities that don’t always hold universal appeal, they all tend to follow rules and many follow the same rules or nuanced variations on similar rules to each other. So human artists aren’t always being creative and at times they are more on luck than skill when they create something that gains acclaim. Arguably a machine might lose some or all “emotion” from a laiace but that stuff tends to speak more to high end art lovers than the Everyman.