Some parents don't seem to even care and let the kid keep screaming. I understand that thy want to watch the movie but get someone to stay home with the kid.
I don't understand people, gosh. When you tell an infant to stop crying what do you actually expect them to do? They still don't understand you!!! And some parents want to see a movie, and they don't have a babysitter!!
I agree, I'm a parent and I bring my kids to the movies. If some one says something I look at them funny and laugh. Like I have a right to be there? Don't like it leave, The fuck?? Haha
Yeah but what about the people who can't hear what is happening because of a kid that is screaming. I'm not saying that children should not be allowed at the movies (especially ones that are targeted for children) if some parents would try and calm down their kids when they start to get too riled up.
For real like wtf?