Ohmigod. Anyone can be a racist. My Oma is from Germany and my Opa was from Russia. They were discriminated against when they immigrated (by some people) and sometimes when I tell people I'm part German I have literally had people say 'kill Germans'. No one in my family was a nazi and no one in my family supported them, and yet some people are still racist towards Germans. It doesn't matter what colour your skin is. There are racists everywhere and racism towards Germans cannot be justified by revenge. So please, get the f**k over it
I don't find black people racist since racism happened to blacks for almost 200 years. In fact it probably went further. So you are an asshole and so is everyone else in your family who was rude to black people.
You don't find *african americans* racist because of what happened to them? So if a jewish person was being racist towards blacks would you find them racist? That's being prejudice right there man. Racism shouldn't be tolerated, no matter what race it comes from.
Oh you know, according to Attorney General Eric Holder and the "saintly" Rev. Al Sharpton racism doesn't go both ways. Hohum, look at you America.
RIP: Chris Lane and Delbert Belton
Listen, your ancestors, the British, they were racist to my ancestors for hundreds of years. You don't seem to realize that you are insulting me and my ancestors. I want respect in this world but you are too blind by insulting people that are "stupid" to notice that they have feelings and it possibly wasn't their fault. Why do you act this way to people? Go ahead, tell me.
I have no ancestors that are British. 100% Polish here so don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. My people went through hell too or did you forget this?
They didn't teach us yet. But anyway it was 18,248 days ago that MLK stood in Washington preaching. And guess what? Humanity still doesn't care. Especially on the Internet.
What do you mean they didn't teach you? Who's they? Aren't you allowed to educate yourself? For your information I do know that Martin Luther King stood in Washington fifty years ago because hey, surprise, I read, watch and browse various news articles and videos. The point here is not all racists are whites as proven by the horrendous crimes committed a few days ago by black teenagers. They and many blacks take for granted what MLK, Rosa Parks and others fought for and this is down right ridiculous. I call these black teenagers racists also because you know what? Racism can go both ways.
You're obviously looking at this the wrong way lime. Bad things happen to everyone, no matter the race. Yes the whites owned black slaves, and the whites pushed the native american people off of their land and took control, but those same white people that did that are not alive anymore. The people of today are not the same people who committed those heinous acts.. When anyone discriminates against others for the color of their skin, or what's in their blood, THAT is racism. What I'm getting out of you is that it's okay for blacks to be racist towards whites because of what happened between their ancestors. Which I might add that we could not control because we weren't alive then! I think you need to start changing the way you look at this situation..
It's not okay for blacks to be racist, nor is it for anyone else. Despite what happened in the past. And I'm not saying it like we shouldn't remember it, I'm saying it because we can't change what happened, we can only try to not make the same mistakes by leading people in the right direction. Oh, and one other thing. Do you think if MLK were still alive today, he would tolerate blacks being racist towards whites?? No, didn't think so. He would expect so much more. From everybody.
This is what I was trying to prove. This conversation didn't need to happen if you had found that out. And I know I didn't fog it up so you couldn't find it.
(Not neccasarily directed at this conversation but to its ideas) Racism is when someone/s believe someone else desserves less or is inferior because of their race (not just skin) If racism is stating someone's skin colour but not neccasarily saying that changes their rights, how come people with darker skin are seen as generaly exempt from this rule. No, THAT is racist because it is saying that because of their skin colour they are entitled to benefits and rights that others can't have. Either allow everyone to call each other by their skin colour, or no one. (Sorry for the late & ranting post)
RIP: Chris Lane and Delbert Belton
It's not okay for blacks to be racist, nor is it for anyone else. Despite what happened in the past. And I'm not saying it like we shouldn't remember it, I'm saying it because we can't change what happened, we can only try to not make the same mistakes by leading people in the right direction. Oh, and one other thing. Do you think if MLK were still alive today, he would tolerate blacks being racist towards whites?? No, didn't think so. He would expect so much more. From everybody.