Provisional ballet voters still have to be legal voters voting where they're supposed (registered) to vote. That's why they must be verified. Also, before some smart alec tries, voting more than once by using a provisional ballet is still illegal and you can be fined and charged with voter fraud. Not every state offers provisional ballets nor are they legally required too if they have EDR in place.
Here are the rules for Provisional ballets in Florida
Voters receive a provisional ballot if: their registration cannot be verified at the polls
an absentee ballot has been issued but the voter fails to bring it to the polls
voter fails to provide proper ID
the polling hours are extended (these provisional ballots are segregated from all other provisional ballots).
The Provisional Ballot Cure Affidavit must be completed and submitted to the Elections Department along with a copy of your identification by 5.p.m. on the second day after the election. Provisional ballots are counted by noon, 4 days after a General Election and 3 days after a Primary Election.
Note: Voters must cast their provisional ballot in the correct polling place in order for it to be counted. If you are eligible to vote, and voted in the proper precinct, your provisional ballot will count as long as your signature on the provisional ballot matches the signature in your registration record.
Voters receive a provisional ballot if: their registration cannot be verified at the polls
an absentee ballot has been issued but the voter fails to bring it to the polls
voter fails to provide proper ID
the polling hours are extended (these provisional ballots are segregated from all other provisional ballots).
The Provisional Ballot Cure Affidavit must be completed and submitted to the Elections Department along with a copy of your identification by 5.p.m. on the second day after the election. Provisional ballots are counted by noon, 4 days after a General Election and 3 days after a Primary Election.
Note: Voters must cast their provisional ballot in the correct polling place in order for it to be counted. If you are eligible to vote, and voted in the proper precinct, your provisional ballot will count as long as your signature on the provisional ballot matches the signature in your registration record.