no, no, no, sorry, I don't think I was quite clear, In my opinion, being gay is something you can't control, even if you come from a long line of straight people, if you're born gay, you're born gay. You can force your self to be with women, but nothings gonna change how you really feel. I didn't exactly clarify what I meant, sorry for that. And if you come from a long line of gay people, if you're born straight, you're born straight. It's cool to be either one, but That's just how I feel and there are a lot of different opinions about it.
Being gay isn't a simple choice. It is basically the result of being raised in the wrong types of environments. Nobody is born gay, is it that hard to figure out that men and women obviously go together? Do what you want it's none of my business, but don't try to convince me that you were born like that. Are some people born to be partners with animals? Men are obviously meant to be with women, end of story.
You sir/madam are obviously not empathetic towards others. This is your opinion, and that's so far all you have, because you refuse to believe those that are in fact gay. They'll tell you that they couldn't help it, they were born that way, it wasn't a choice. But you'll sit and refuse to believe them because you were born straight, and therefore are attracted to the opposite sex. Men and women couples are the traditional thing you'll see because it was what was obviously much more common than homosexual relationships, since yeah, they were made with different reproductive organs that go together. But if it makes it easier for you to imagine, think of being as a mutation--not saying it is, just pretend--consequently resulting in some people to stray from the norm in ways they can't help. I'm not sure if that makes much sense, but for example, people were meant to have ten fingers; they were meant to have brown eyes (yes, other colors are a mutation); they weren't meant to have colorbl
indness, or chin dimples, or cheek dimples! But guess what? They do. Did they choose to? No. Did they choose to born male or female, or in Asia/the US/Africa? Did they choose to have great parents or abusive parents? No. They were simply given a metaphorical rap sheet of what they'd have to live with or through in life. Some people have feelings or obligations in the back of their minds that they can't control, like some males feeling that God was mistaken and that they are meant to be female, or the other way around, and therefore become transgenders or transexuals or transvestites, etc. Those are choices, yes, to go through with the change, but their feelings or thoughts aren't choices. You can't choose what you think. You can't choose your background. Same goes for love. You can't just choose who to love. Or, whether or not to love someone. Love is beautiful, and if you say that people aren't supposed to feel it in some ways, then you should try on a new pair of shoes.
By the way, there have been several documented cases of homosexual relationships between animals in nature, so don't say it's unnatural. Google it. Also, sorry for the paragraphs.
Men aren't meant to be with men, women aren't meant to be with men. it's so simple. What would you say, sir/ madam, if someone said they were meant to be mates with an animal, to have sexual intercourse with said animal, and that they were born that way?
For me, love is love, and even if it's as freaky as falling in love with an animal--bestiality, I know--then fine with me, actually. Not many people are born exclusively attracted to animals, so laws against bestiality will of course hinder some people, but not as many as it would if the laws were against homosexuals, since there are millions of gay people out there. I already see gay couples all over my school, mostly lesbian, and while it's unsettling for others, who's to say that they can't love? Not you, you're not a god. No one is or can, I'm not saying that to be rude. Bestiality is considered a sickness since it's not common in real life for different species to be attracted to each other, so you can't very much compare it to homosexuality because it's still a human-human relationship. But if someone were to fall in love with an animal anyway, it's not like they *chose* to, which is something you seem to think is a factor in homosexuality--choice.
Look man, you don't have to respond by the way, you're not obligated to. It'll just lead to one of those pointless Internet arguments. You have your opinion, and I have mine, and I know that if someone sent me paragraphs trying to convince me against my own beliefs, my mind would still probably not change much. So, just, take Ellen Degeneres's advice.
See that's the problem, people can do anything at all as long as they claim that they were born that way. If I said I fell in love with a car even, who's to tell me I wasn't born that way?
Look, who cares if you weren't or were anyway? If someone wants to be with someone so badly that they want to get married, then there must be something there. Sure, there's fraud possibilities opening up with friends possibly getting married just for benefits but why go so far with it? If you fell in love with your car--again, incomparable to a homosexual relationship since it's not human-human--and wanted to be with it, do it. Why should anyone take your car away from you?
Nobody, at least not me, wants to take anybody away from anybody. I'm not wanting to fight either by the way, if this were face to face you'd see that I am calm and composed. I just do not believe that the definition of marriage should be changed. A same sex "marriage" is not a marriage any more than me and my dog.
Mm, still not agreeing with that last bit, buuuut I appreciate it. I like it when people feel strongly about their beliefs like you, where you'd be willing to discuss it, but not take it out to the streets and do things like display those Westboro Baptist Church-esque signs. At least, I *hope* you don't. Probably not. But I think changes like this are inevitable, people will still be uncomfortable, of course, but more and more will accept it, since we are forever evolving as a race, mentally speaking. This is not a complete comparison, since they're *completely* different issues, but take for example the civil rights movement in the 20th century: whites weren't willing to integrate with African Americans, mostly in the South, but look at us now. I think it'll be like that, since there are still people today with inhibitions toward black people, and there'll always be people who won't accept homosexuality even in the future.
· 10 years ago
Jjohnson21, you sir, are a level 100, top rank, 20th prestige...
Is weighing 360 pounds at age 13 obese I just think I'm pudgey