Looking at the mottling on the back of his body he has some Australian Cattle Dog in him more than likely. It looks like a Merle pattern. This dog has ice blue eyes which are common in both Aussies and Huskies. It is NOT however seen in purebred German Shepherds. (except in rare cases in the new "Panda GSD" which started from a single dog named Franka von Phenom and is always ONLY one eye and seems to be some type of odd co-dominant or repeating mutation) Blue eyes in dogs, just as it is in humans, is a recessive gene, therefore it makes it impossible for this dog to be JUST Husky and GSD mix.
The merling on the back is what tipped me off to the fact that the 3rd breed involved in this dogs complete genotype and phenotype is more than likely Australian Cattle Dog. I have owned 2 Husky\GSD mixes and have been in the GSD breed for 25 years. I am a breeder, an animal behaviorist and dog trainer. I am also a Canine Genetics expert, which is why, more importantly, I know of what I speak.
bewebbed, i don't think there was anything intended to offend in that comment, its true and no offence to GN, but the original comment is better than the summary, like a book to a movie. You get the general gist, but miss a lot of the worthwhile parts.
Also whats the point of reading comments if you only read short ones?
What's the point of your comment? It was only an opinion of our comments. Please let us be.
(A summary isn't full of detailed and worthwhile information, fanspec. It's the main ideas, which is currently about the dog shown above not only originating from two different breeds, but more.)
I ran out of room. Also Australian Shepherd is a likely gene contributor as well. My experience with German Shepherds and genetics extends to having worked with and studied rare colors\patterns, anomalies, and mismarked dogs within the GSD breed. Most specifically the blue and liver colors, the Isabella dilution, and they AY Sable pattern.
Blue and Liver German Shepherds often have blue or green eyes as puppies but by 10 weeks they begin to change and will eventually end up anywhere from a bright wolf yellow to a coffee brown.
The merling on the back is what tipped me off to the fact that the 3rd breed involved in this dogs complete genotype and phenotype is more than likely Australian Cattle Dog. I have owned 2 Husky\GSD mixes and have been in the GSD breed for 25 years. I am a breeder, an animal behaviorist and dog trainer. I am also a Canine Genetics expert, which is why, more importantly, I know of what I speak.
Also whats the point of reading comments if you only read short ones?
(A summary isn't full of detailed and worthwhile information, fanspec. It's the main ideas, which is currently about the dog shown above not only originating from two different breeds, but more.)
Blue and Liver German Shepherds often have blue or green eyes as puppies but by 10 weeks they begin to change and will eventually end up anywhere from a bright wolf yellow to a coffee brown.