yeah..because you show your whole body to your mother.. righty right ;) do it on a place on your body where you have clothes over it - its not too hard
No, it's called "why the fuck do you paint your body if you can't look at it?"
· 11 years ago
you can look at it. And its not about that paint..its about the reason why you make the tattoo. Alot of peoples let paint tattoe on her body on positions where no one see it. You dont make a tattoo because others can see it, you make it because a reason ,and for your self - not for others
Yeah, but that's a real tatt. This one will fade away, and I would like to see it so I could fill it inn again. Also, if I was to get a tatt, I would want to see it myself.
don't rinse it, when you wash your hands or body, cover the area you made the tattoo on in plastic wrap or cling wrap. Same as you would for a healing tattoo.
this actually only last for about 4-5 days... a week if your lucky. i tried it already. the best way to make it last is to put it on some place that wont rub against stuff.
I tried this I doesn't work I put it under water because I wanted to see what happens and it didn't last 2 seconds I now have barely any of the tattoo on me
thats a cute tattoo idea i did three things on my wrist ({1} the letter V in Korean lettering {2} Kim Taehyung in Korean lettering {3} Oppa in Korean lettering) its all from BTS.
I don't know what they're talking about, it only lasted a few hours before it flaked off. I didn't even get it wet. I would have been better off just using plain Sharpie and leaving it alone until it faded.
Yes, only homos get tattoos, the queer little poofters. Amirite? Thank God smart people like you and I can spot these obvious traits with our massive heterosexual brains. Cheers to the genius of us!
Ok, that made me laugh.
Fyi, I was just kidding around in my last post, but doesn't that star mean the person is homosexual? One of our gay friends has one, and I seem to see them on gay people a lot.
...I can't tell whether or not you are trolling by asking that question, but I'm going to answer just in case. A star doesn't work like a mall map "you are here" moment for gay people, it has no special significance in the gay community like say a pink triangle does. Your friend just had an unimaginative moment at the tattoo parlour- a curse which has hit people hetero and homo alike since the barbed wire arm cuff. A star just means a star.
Huh, strange, in a world where everything seems to mean something. And yeah, those barbed wire tattoos are the worst. Almost as bad as people in tapout shirts. Ugh.
Stars could be a new thing we're not up on- like a new illuminati, a symbol of direction or reckoning that's silently building all around us.... If that's the case, good luck- I'll be keeping a sharpie in my pocket in case the celestial revolution comes. Brush up on your stars, comrades.
So I had no idea what a Tapout shirt was (I wave at pop culture trends as they whistle by my head, evidently) so I googled. Oh, and I looked up "star tattoos" on this thing and got nothing. So the illuminati go undetected warned.....
Wow, goodness lace, is Aunt Flo visiting? I was just teasing.
And don't worry about the tapout people being illuminati. They lack the necessary brain cells to do anything other than pretend to be tough guys because they saw a fight once.
Wow. And here I was thinking you were one of the cool ones. Too bad I don't really have a problem with you, so I guess I can't be mean back. Unless, of course, you keep the tourette's act up...
One could argue that nobody should judge anyone else, so what's your point? Or are you simply lashing out because you're one of the tapout fucktards I mentioned?
So, did anyone at least get a giggle at the idea of a gay man being afraid of a little prick? You know, the needles? I didn't even intend that, but as soon as I clicked, I was like "Oh, hey! That works.".
Yeah. If you don't shower.
wow imma try
Iv tried it before and it works well
Just keep it like that you dont need the extra stuff
Fyi, I was just kidding around in my last post, but doesn't that star mean the person is homosexual? One of our gay friends has one, and I seem to see them on gay people a lot.
And don't worry about the tapout people being illuminati. They lack the necessary brain cells to do anything other than pretend to be tough guys because they saw a fight once.
So, did anyone at least get a giggle at the idea of a gay man being afraid of a little prick? You know, the needles? I didn't even intend that, but as soon as I clicked, I was like "Oh, hey! That works.".