Exactly! You can't even say you like games without everyone judging you like hell. Why do we even need to say girl gamer? Can't we just say gamer? Okay rant over
No the repost of the post about the amount of reposts being too damn high has the record.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
Ugh yes, there is girl I know who will not shut up about how she "plays video games" and is a "gamer girl" it annoys me so much like you can do your thing without having the world know. Good God.
I think it's so funny when a girl mentions they play a game and all the guys are like "Whoa you play blah blah blah? Wow that's so cool" like it's an out of the ordinary thing and it's not.
I would like to point out that there are in fact females that are serious gamers, and will game while wearing the smallest amounts of clothing, if not none. So while the top may have that sarcastic text over it, she could be a serious gamer who has enough confidence to do that. And while yes, I agree that it is a bit attention-seeking, she definitely looks old enough to be able to do what she wants. The bottom picture looks like a gamer who takes games a little too seriously, so if anything, I'd prefer the confident, yet seeking attention gamer over the gamer that takes games too seriously. Summarized-don't judge a girl just because she takes photos of herself half naked with controllers covering her. It may seem like an attention-seeker, but she also has the confidence to show off her body, something that's hard to come by due to the harsh judgements made by people in this world...
I just went through rednex's comments and he's a homophobic asshole. He kept calling people fags, including "des" multiple times (who I think is deshoes), and he even said "I don't know why fags can't stay in the North." Omg if I met this guy, I would twist his tiny balls off so he couldn't breed.
I hate how he repeatedly says that we are nothing compared to god. I have to say that we are pretty damn awesome. He also says bad things about gays. Now I am an atheist but i don't like saying that I don't believe in god because for all I know any of the different religions could be real. I like to keep an open mind. Anyway if god is real and everything the bible says is true and that god created us in his image than he created gays and lesbians too. He created them in HIS image just like the rest of us. Now just to avoid anyone thinking "well god created serial killers in his image too" I wanna say that that is different because gays and lesbians were born like that and serial killers weren't. Didn't they used to think that left-handism was evil? Everyone was positive about it? Well that's what it's like with gays and lesbians. I know some gay people and they aren't any different from anybody else besides the gender that they are attracted to. How does that make them less than us?
IM SO GLAD A FOUND A TIME I COULD SAY THAT! I like you! This is the second awesome conversation we've had. The first being about whether vodka or laceandleather is sexier.
we combined them?
So please people Stahp!!!