How amazing would it be to be able to be part of that? I mean, obviously the little girl will always remember this, but imagine how the woman who plays Snow White feels. There are very few chances that anyone gets to make such a magical moment in a child's life happen.
You don't so much comment as commit your mental hiccups to text.
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now this child is going to think she can just wish for everything and it come true, thanks to the make believe of Disney. On the other hand, I'm happy she has her Daddy back safe and sound.
cute way to bring the kids dad home but someone needs to tell her that was all put together....but JUST FOR HER! not that some stupid well made her dad appear. can u imagine how bad she will feel when he leaves again. She gonna be stalking wells like the town "llorona".
I see where you're coming from annoyinglypositive and L&L but I just want to say that after they did this could they just let her believe it was magic for a while?I know that if her father leaves again she'll think she can just wish him back but couldn't they just wait to tell her till it's necessary? Like if her dad DOES leave again? Because it's really nice to believe in magic! (But I don't agree with how melisa put it. I like Disney)
Cry alot
Wish they could've used this in the re-edit.
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