I've waited so long for this moment 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Close enough! lol I'm from Puerto Rico and my hubby is white-boy. He was so confused when I took him to PR and there were chickens and horses just walking around. lol
I've waited so long for this moment 15 comments
Artists leaving tips 9 comments
· 10 years ago
and if you are like me, you will never spend it and it will spend an eternity in your wallet
Oh the stories doctors could tell 13 comments
· 10 years ago
#2 on the first list states that his mother molested him but if you research further you find out that the quack-job-psychiatrist ASSUMED that he was molested.
I know, this is way too soon 13 comments
It's a lifestyle 1 comments
· 10 years ago
I know its cartoon pasta but...maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan...does it look good. [Can you tell I haven't had lunch yet?]
Always prepared for the perfect picture 4 comments
The tough hedgehog life 5 comments
Things people say when they hit a blunt 33 comments
· 10 years ago
*hits blunt* do boogers have a smell but we're just used to it b/c its up our nose?
GGC 17 comments
· 10 years ago
I understand what you are saying. But no matter the reason that it was missing, whether they were aware or not, the cop could have just had the car impounded. That's what a prick cop would have done. He was being nice. You have to be aware of your vehicle at all times. Like if a brake light is out, you can receive a ticket for that and how would you honestly know unless you are checking that everyday before you drive. In Virginia code (where I teach) ignorance of the law does not excuse you from it's consequences. Most states are like that as well.
GGC 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Ignorance of the situation is no excuse. That's like saying "I didn't know I had to stop at an uncontrolled intersection (meaning no signs/signals)" and causing a car accident that injured or killed someone. It doesn't make it ok...does it? [I teach driving classes on weekends and you wouldn't believe the stuff I hear. This is just one expamle.] That cop was really nice. He could have impounded the driver's car but he didn't. And having your car impounded is so expensive!
Tap Dancers 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I know my sisters and I did when I was taking tap. My dad couldn't stand taking us to the mall.
Someone's Going To Get In Trouble 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I forget my own birthday! i really could careless if my husband forgets our anniversary b/c i probably did as well.
Kindness once again spotted in canada 25 comments
Kindness once again spotted in canada 25 comments
· 10 years ago
cuz nanas take care of everybody! everybody needs a nana
Edited 10 years ago
You're too close. Back off 14 comments
· 10 years ago
you can't really control the space behind you as well. (above comment is correct)
This Boss Literally Dances Like a BOSS! 6 comments
When your step-parent tries to discipline you. 17 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm a step-mom. I've taken care of these kids since they were 6,4,2. I love them and they love me. They respect me as much as their mother and father. I discipline them when they do wrong and reward them when they do good. Your step-parent chose not only to love your biological parent but you as well. You have no idea how bad it hurts when your step-child treats you badly because you chose to take care of this child and deal with your partner's ex (in my case she treats me like shit and talks shit about me to the kids and all over facebook and takes advantage of my husband financially) when you didn't have to.
-From the heart of a step-mommy
-From the heart of a step-mommy
I didn't want her to feel bad 13 comments
So... Who's fault is it? 7 comments
Things that feel good 13 comments
· 10 years ago
I'd rather wake up naturally than to be woken up in the middle of a good dream or deep sleep.