Im a christian, i don't really believe in gay marriage, WAIT don't get in a huff and a puff. I don't really care if they do. I hate the thought of divorce to. I have gay friends I love them all the same. I don't agree with it but i still love them. Its my opinion but if they want to shure its not my life so i dont care.
Now there is some exceptions, like the one the guest mentions above. And disliking my post because of an opinion wow come on. If you're going to be a dick at least make an account. Guests should not be allowed to dislike or like.
· 11 years ago
I'm christian, and I honestly don't care who marries what gender
yeah this is definitely true-i'm a christian and i think that while any sort of marriage between two adults is fine, if a religion doesn't believe in it, they shouldn't have to have the weddings in their religion. We should base our laws off fact, not opinion.
i mean, there are science proven facts, proven by testing eg a baby can feel pain at 20 weeks and there are opinions, such as gays marrying is wrong. It's silly to let our laws be ruled by something that only small portion of people believe in and is not necessarily true.
Actually, this picture is 100% accurate. Divorce IS a sin, one that isn't brought up a lot because so many Christians do get divorced these days. (I'm a Southern Baptist pastor's daughter, by the way.) The only Biblical grounds for divorce is if your significant other is unfaithful to you. It's difficult to accept, because, like someone said, "Well, what if you're being abused?" In that case, you separate yourself from the person. Divorce is a sin, just the same as homosexuality is a sin. And, I'm sorry, but there is no possible way to be living unapologetically in sin and be a Christian. The very basis of Christianity doesn't allow that. It's one thing if someone is saying, "Yes. I have this sin in my life, and I struggle with it everyday, but I'm really trying." But it's another to say, "Yes! I'm a Christian and I am gay and in a relationship with someone of my same gender." If I was that person, I would seriously pray and evaluate my spiritual life. Whew. Long post. Sorry. :)
But what about in cases where one person wants the divorce and the other doesn't? Is it still a sin if the person was forced to divorce but didn't want to?
Sorry, that's one error that really bugs me...
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