Bullfighting, dogfighting, cockfighting, it's all so wrong. People shouldn't hurt anything for the fun of it. I personally choose to be a vegetarian, but I respect others decision to eat meat, because it is a food source, and it benefits their body. However, nobody is gaining anything fom the intentional tourture and death of an animal that will not be eaten or utilized in some other way.
I agree, bullfighting or any fighting of similar nature involving humans making otherwise peaceful animals fight each other to the death is a deplorable, and downright vile action. And the semi-conscious plebeians who watch and promote said acts of wretchedness should have their right to have an equal say in what goes on repealed.
Well, here in Spain people in general -mostly young people- don't like bullfighting, it's cruel, barbaric, to go to see how someone stabs an animal untill it's dead.
But it's hard to change traditions that have been instaured for so long.
I'm being serious here. Is bull fighting dying out then? Like will the next generation not carry it on? Or is it something so deeply engrained in society that it won't be gone any time soon? Also, are there animal rights groups in Spain that oppose bullfighting? I'm really honestly just curious.
Dying out? Honestly, I don't know. In Cataluña (North East) they have been already banned, but, if it's going to dissapear completely it's hard to tell. I hope so, and I'm pretty sure that almost everyone in the new generation also does, but it's really engrained in some groups with a very traditional point of view, who think that making bullfighting dissapear will lead to a lose of cultural identity. It's something much more popular in our grandparents generation than in ours, but it seems like there will always be someone to continue with it.
And yes, there are many groups against bullfighting (Antitaurinos) the motto is "la tortura no es cultura" (torture is not culture) here's a photo of one of their protests: http://estaticos.elmundo.es/elmundo/imagenes/2009/07/05/1246803904_g_0.jpg
I apologize, but I'm going to be "that guy." This story simply isn't true. Creating a poetic narrative to advance a particular moral point is nothing new, but it shouldn't be sold as fact when it's fiction. The dude they're talking about isn't even in the picture. His bullfighting career ended after he got paralyzed. He didn't walk away from it- whether or not he might have at some point, he didn't because he got paralyzed by a bull. This picture is apparently showing a common gesture of defiance by a matador for a bull. Yeah, I'm aware that this comment will likely never be read.
It's not at all a fair chance for the bull. That's like saying the hunger games would be a fair concept; in the end what's the point in fighting it to begin with? If you want to eat the bull then put him down humanely instead of stabbing and stressing him the fuck out before his doom.
But it's hard to change traditions that have been instaured for so long.
And yes, there are many groups against bullfighting (Antitaurinos) the motto is "la tortura no es cultura" (torture is not culture) here's a photo of one of their protests: http://estaticos.elmundo.es/elmundo/imagenes/2009/07/05/1246803904_g_0.jpg