I once had a dream that I was on a coach with all 11 Doctors, Ten was driving, and we were all singing Bohemian Rhapsody and buzzing sonics everywhere...
Look I like the show but I'm not going to hate on someone that doesn't, there are lots of shows out there for a reason. Not everyone likes the same thing.
It's a fair question. I happen to wonder the same thing. How about everyone maybe talk about it before spamming the downthumbs?
· 11 years ago
Not a bad idea, I'll start. I tell people about the show by saying it's basically Sherlock Holmes with a time and space ship. He goes around the universe looking for trouble and saving planets asses while simultaneously boasting his cleverness. Maybe by accident, maybe not. If you want to give it a try, watch the episode 'Blink'. If you don't like them don't watch the show. It's not everyone's cup of tea.
Everyone says "blink". That's the 2nd episode my wife and I watched. It was also the last. Well, the first half of the episode, that is. The show is just not good. It's right about in Farscape territory. It's apparently got enough of an audience to not get knocked off the airwaves, but just barely.
I wish I cared enough to do so. Also, it's 11:45 here, and I have a 12 hour shift tomorrow. Sorry I don't like FS's official telly program. Goodnight!
· 11 years ago
It's 1:01 am here. Guess who's not going to get up till noon! Anyways, it's fine. I know some people just don't like certain things. Have a nice night Mgoveia.
I hate you.
Guess who gets up at 5:30am for work? And who also doesn't feel rested because he tosses and turns and wakes up at random times every damn night?
I remember in primary school, we had a whole week of basically just reading and watching doctor who in english lessons :p
Guess who gets up at 5:30am for work? And who also doesn't feel rested because he tosses and turns and wakes up at random times every damn night?