Best Headline of 2013 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Ah, good ol' England.
Anime students 7 comments
· 8 years ago
This reminds me of Kenichi the Mightiest disciple (the sumo wrestler in Ragnorak and the Karate bully in the beginning)
Edited 8 years ago
Which button would you press 82 comments
· 8 years ago
B. I want to travel the world someday and it would would be really helpful. I could care less about what a celebrity or anyone else is doing.
Edited 8 years ago
Bring back some midnight feeling 16 comments
· 8 years ago
I wish I could watch it
It's not on the UK Netflix and I'm too lazy to search for a good source online D:
It's not on the UK Netflix and I'm too lazy to search for a good source online D:
Ayyyyyy 4 comments
· 8 years ago
The interaction between my best friend I:
Best Friend: Hey Bitch. You look like a trash can.
Me: go crawl back to the wretched little stink while you crawled out from, you pathetic cretin.
And then we proceeded to get into serious conversation and ended up pouring our hearts out about the sisterly love we have for each other.
We bicker like sisters and the funny thing is that I don't even bicker with my actual siblings even though we're really close.
True story.
Best Friend: Hey Bitch. You look like a trash can.
Me: go crawl back to the wretched little stink while you crawled out from, you pathetic cretin.
And then we proceeded to get into serious conversation and ended up pouring our hearts out about the sisterly love we have for each other.
We bicker like sisters and the funny thing is that I don't even bicker with my actual siblings even though we're really close.
True story.
Throw away the age 28 comments
Nobody is affected by my presence. Is it a good thing? 21 comments
· 8 years ago
I've never climbed a tree before, but I would have attempted to so I could join you :)
Edited 8 years ago
Guacamole makes people do stupid things 1 comments
Telling lies to kids 11 comments
· 8 years ago
When I was a kid, I used to hate going to bed early. So my mom told me that if I stayed up too late, the whites of my eyes would turn black.
Pay Taxes 6 comments
· 8 years ago
The lady in the top picture looks like she's about to bite the police officers chin.
Edited 8 years ago
Me watching Stranger Things 4 comments
· 8 years ago
And that's the story of how I ended up going to sleep at 5:30AM last night. Good times.
My cat have birth to 4 kittens :') 4 comments
You just have to listen 10 comments