It isn't always necessarily the teacher's fault, they usually just follow what the school board tells them to do and teach what is required in the curriculum.
Exactly. I know many teachers who would love to teach their classes differently and who have much better and more fun ideas for how to run their classroom and different projects to assign and stuff like that but they can't because it all has to go along with certain rules and the projects have to meet all the required criteria on some list, etc. Thus, school becomes awful. If you want to blame anyone, blame the school board (although plenty of teachers are like this as well).
Some students are like this, but a lot of kids' ambition and thirst for learning gets squashed under the school's regime for work, work, work to get better results. That's all they ever talk about, never about what we'd like to learn about. For example, all my peers hate school but as soon as they got a glimpse of more freedom as to what classes and courses they could take, I saw a lot of them light up and some get excited because they were happy to actually be taking things they wanted to take instead of just learning things they were forced to learn.
Don't get me wrong, I have the highest respect for teachers and most teachers aren't like this, it's just how the school board operates which sucks. Not to mention that a lot of teachers have ideas on how to make some projects and courses more fun but they can't because it doesn't have all of the necessary requirements or some such.
Don't get me wrong, I have the highest respect for teachers and most teachers aren't like this, it's just how the school board operates which sucks. Not to mention that a lot of teachers have ideas on how to make some projects and courses more fun but they can't because it doesn't have all of the necessary requirements or some such.