At the side of train tracks aswell 3 comments
· 11 years ago
Fucking hell, sometimes I can barely survive looking over the side of a staircase, much less THAT.
Drawings 24 comments
· 11 years ago
I don't know, what if he tried to destroy the world again? I mean, Loki's a pretty cool guy but I happen to like Earth. And what if he didn't like you?
Just go already. 12 comments
Everytime. 9 comments
Free food!! 27 comments
· 11 years ago
Helicopter? Airplane? Maybe they grow their own food, but how many foods would be able to survive those heights and climates?
You Just Got Burned. Over B**bs. You Just Got B**b-Burned... 82 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm not arguing with you, I was just expecting more for your comment and then it just kinda ended.
Of course people find different things attractive, but just because someone finds wrists to be sexy doesn't mean that it's necessary for people to cover up your wrists. Things like your vagina and penis are covered because it's sexual and they're used for sexual reproduction but boobs aren't really that way. They're used to supply babies with nourishment and while babies are products of the said sexual reproduction, they're not really sexual themselves. That's why I dislike that they're portrayed as sexual objects.
As for the anger, I think some people are just getting pissed at others' opinions and that shows through the comments.
Of course people find different things attractive, but just because someone finds wrists to be sexy doesn't mean that it's necessary for people to cover up your wrists. Things like your vagina and penis are covered because it's sexual and they're used for sexual reproduction but boobs aren't really that way. They're used to supply babies with nourishment and while babies are products of the said sexual reproduction, they're not really sexual themselves. That's why I dislike that they're portrayed as sexual objects.
As for the anger, I think some people are just getting pissed at others' opinions and that shows through the comments.
Free food!! 27 comments
· 11 years ago
It better be open twenty four hours because knowing me I would start off at seven in the morning and not get there until midnight.
Free food!! 27 comments
· 11 years ago
I would either quit, because that's too much effort, or just live there out of laziness.
Because I do 15 comments
· 11 years ago
It's V for Vendetta and it's epic and amazing and you should watch it. I highly recommend it.
World's largest and longest 3d street art 4 comments
· 11 years ago
I can imagine myself off in my own little world, just walking along when all of the sudden I glance down and it looks like I'm standing in midair about to plummet to my death. I'd probably die of a heart attack.
When I'm talking to my mom over skype and she tells me to make my bed 1 comments
· 11 years ago
"What did you say to me, boy?"
"Nothing, ma'am. I'll go make my bed now, my covers are in the dryer."
"Nothing, ma'am. I'll go make my bed now, my covers are in the dryer."
You Just Got Burned. Over B**bs. You Just Got B**b-Burned... 82 comments
· 11 years ago
Of course people are going to have an opinion on it, but that wasn't the point of the post which is why she got angry. And I think she meant "mind your own damn" business in relevance to her boobs, not to the overall post (which was about we grandfather's sweater).
Some habits should never die 48 comments
· 11 years ago
But I dislike the whole "respect your elders" ideal. I mean, you shouldn't be just outright rude to them or anything and you should be polite, but they don't have my respect. And I'm not going to hold my tongue if they start saying something I dislike. After all, there are tons of people who are older than me who are racist, homophobic, sexist, pedophiles, murderers, etc. and I'm supposed to respect them just because they're older? That's bullshit.
You Just Got Burned. Over B**bs. You Just Got B**b-Burned... 82 comments
· 11 years ago
Seriously? After all that, you're still clueless? All she wanted to do was show off her grandpa's sweater and people made it about her boobs instead, so she retaliated.
When I say Avatar 30 comments
· 11 years ago
Well, I liked the James Cameron Avatar, but it's nothing compared to Avatar: the Last Airbender. Maybe say "the Michael and Bryan version" in reference to Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko the two creators of the show.
Some habits should never die 48 comments
· 11 years ago
Not necessarily. No matter how much you discipline your child, they can still rebel and might even do so more if you're too harsh. I'm not saying to not discipline your child, because that's just as bad, but you need to have more of a healthy balance. Teach your child "right" from "wrong" and if they stray from that, enforce some rules, but not so much that your kid feels the need to break out and get away. Of course, media and peer pressure are variables as well along with so many other things that parents have limited or no control over.
You Just Got Burned. Over B**bs. You Just Got B**b-Burned... 82 comments
· 11 years ago
No, it's good. Even though I disagree with many points on here, I'm glad to see people standing up to each other and expressing their opinions (even though many are prejudicial and discriminatory).
Also, breast size has nothing to do with the amount of milk a mother can produce. The size of a woman's breasts have to do with the amount of fatty tissue they contain, but the said fatty tissue has nothing to do with the quantity (or quality) of the breast milk. A woman with small breasts can supply her child just as well as a woman with large breasts can. It is very rare for a woman's body to be unable to produce the amount of milk a child needs/wants.
Also, breast size has nothing to do with the amount of milk a mother can produce. The size of a woman's breasts have to do with the amount of fatty tissue they contain, but the said fatty tissue has nothing to do with the quantity (or quality) of the breast milk. A woman with small breasts can supply her child just as well as a woman with large breasts can. It is very rare for a woman's body to be unable to produce the amount of milk a child needs/wants.
When you're at a friends house and they're being yelled at 16 comments
· 11 years ago
And then Cas disappeared for a while and all that. In this scene, doesn't the guy at the bar (with whom Zachariah was complaining about being fired with) and the bartender both get their eyes burned out? And I expected angels to be nice and kind and shit, I was so naive.
Sad truth 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Some students are like this, but a lot of kids' ambition and thirst for learning gets squashed under the school's regime for work, work, work to get better results. That's all they ever talk about, never about what we'd like to learn about. For example, all my peers hate school but as soon as they got a glimpse of more freedom as to what classes and courses they could take, I saw a lot of them light up and some get excited because they were happy to actually be taking things they wanted to take instead of just learning things they were forced to learn.
Don't get me wrong, I have the highest respect for teachers and most teachers aren't like this, it's just how the school board operates which sucks. Not to mention that a lot of teachers have ideas on how to make some projects and courses more fun but they can't because it doesn't have all of the necessary requirements or some such.
Edited 11 years ago
Don't get me wrong, I have the highest respect for teachers and most teachers aren't like this, it's just how the school board operates which sucks. Not to mention that a lot of teachers have ideas on how to make some projects and courses more fun but they can't because it doesn't have all of the necessary requirements or some such.