I think calling her a trollop was a little unnecessary. I mean that is her child, I don't care what they do, you don't call them names. That doesn't discipline them, it just puts them down. I agree she doesn't deserve the concert tickets at all, but a mother shouldn't call her own daughter a slut or a whore even if she is one.
Honey, that conversation stopped weeks ago. YOU don't need to annoy people by adding yet another voice and stirring up old shit. I don't give two shits whether anyone gives a shit about what I say. I voiced an opinion, they didn't agree. I don't have a problem because it's done. Run along, that comment did no good here and I'm at least half sure you only said it to pick a fight. Bu-bye.
Honestly, I think the mom did the right thing. Many kids these days act like little shits to their parents and treat them like they are airheads. They need to be taught a lesson. I'm pretty sure this mom has dealt with her daughter's shit before, because this would Definetly be a last resort punishment. It's like trying to make a horse move; you can use the carrot or the stick. The carrot is a nice push but sometimes doesn't work so you would have to use a stick to push them harder. I see nothing wrong in this punishment.
I think that because of what the girl did that she doesn't deserve to go to the concert and that her mom should definitely sell the tickets to get her money back. That is what I would do if I was a mother but I don't think that the mother should've said all of those mean things about her and especially not have put them on the internet. Other than that, I think the mother did a fantastic job disciplining her daughter.
Yeah I have to agree. It's one thing to discipline, but it's another to be cruel about if. She could have worded it in a more appropriate way. It was uncalled for her to call her friends "bitches" and "trollops".
· 11 years ago
Well, it's hard to say. I think if my theoretical daughter were to lie to me and go hang out with an older boy, I would be really pissed. Maybe calling her a 'trollop' and her friends 'bitches' might give a more visceral and instinctual learning experience. Maybe if she were about to do that again, she might remember how it felt to be called that, and won't do it. But depending on how her personality is, there might in fact be a better way to go about teaching that to her. Although, if she's a fan of 1D the latter is probably not very likely.
· 11 years ago
thanks :) was waiting for that rational person.
· 11 years ago
Haha thank you, I am glad you think it is rational.
· 11 years ago
However, in the mum's defence, if she never uses those words normally, they'll hit home when she does use them
Oh the classic " I'm not your friend I'm your mother!" As a very rebellious, punk kid I heard this all the time! Fought tooth and nail with my mother. I started sneeking out... mom slept outside my room on the floor. Bought my own slutty clothes with my money i earned babysitting...mom cut them up in front of me when i got in trouble. Ect ect ect. Thank glob she was so "mean" to me in my teens because it helped me become a functional adult. I will do the same if necessary to my daughter. Takes a lot of pressure to make a diamond.
I don't know why any of you are glorifying this mother. Yeah, I'd sell those tickets faster than my daughter could say, "But, mom!", but this is out of hand. Not only did she call the girl's friends bitches but she also shamed her own daughter excessively. And not to mention that whole, "that's how HALF of you were conceived!" thing! That's a horrible thing to say. And a mother should never be happy about a daughter hating her. Ever. In my opinion, shaming your child is not a good way to discipline them, and especially not such harsh shaming.
Parents shaming their children online is a trend that needs to stop. These things don't just go away. If your child shaming gets big enough there is a very real chance it will be the first thing that comes up when you Google your child's name. You know potential employers and the best friends of new significant others Google names right? Do you really want your daughter to be turned down for a job she worked hard to get and would love just because this comes up when you Google her? Do you want this to be the first impression your daughter's husband's best man had of her back when your daughter first started dating? These are the potential consequences for your actions.
If your child misbehaves, consequence them. But there is no need to do it on a public forum, least of all on the internet. Sell the tickets. But don't call your child names on the internet. You aren't even trying to correct the behavior at that point, your just getting revenge. And that's what you will teach your kids
I agree with the previous gest up to a point.... I mean, this kind of things should be solved in private, on a parents-daughter conversation, not spread through the internet to involve everyone and make your child feel so attacked.
That'll teach the little bitch. Why would you want to go to a One Direction concert anyway? Her mother should have done all that because of her daughter's poor taste in music. Or at least I think it's poor.
I can think it's poor. You may not. But if I don't like the music someone else listens to, I'm not going to compliment it, am I? You'll probably say that I wouldn't need to say anything at all, but that's what having an opinion is all about.
I wouldn't expect them to care. They can think my taste in music sucks, i can think their taste sucks. Why are we even taking about this? It's not what this post is about.
No, actually they did. Really. I just commented what I thought about her taste in music, noting that it was MY OWN opinion, and they picked it up and made it something else.
Or maybe you could shut the little ass you have as a mouth and learn to respect people's opinion and that judging other people is NOT an opinion but a bully attitude
We respect it, we don't agree with you but we respect it. But I think this is one of the rare occasions you should've've left your opinion to yourself.
Why? It's not my fault you all went "ape shit," so to speak. Why do you care what I think about someone elses taste in music? I don't care if the girl likes one direction, I'm just saying I don't, and that would make her taste kinda sucky to me right? We all like different things. You all just need to chill.
btw you Australians are freaking hardcore awesome!
If your child misbehaves, consequence them. But there is no need to do it on a public forum, least of all on the internet. Sell the tickets. But don't call your child names on the internet. You aren't even trying to correct the behavior at that point, your just getting revenge. And that's what you will teach your kids