relax, people, the shooting didn't really happen. Just like the travon martin thing was blown up into a racial issue so everyone would pay attention to that and not what was going on with Bradley Manning.
i'm not saying this is why but I believe they want us to freely give up our right to bear arms. if you look at history this is how other dictators have disarmed their people. you hear about a lot of people calling for more gun control laws and blah blah blah in the news. but have you heard of Iceland's revolution, or how Bradley manning got 35 years for telling the American people of war crimes America is committing, or how we use drones and kill innocent civilians in war torn countries? we are all being herded....willingly and a slaughter house. read and research; the answers are out there, you just have to look.
Please don't allow a fraction of conspiracy theorists or the dumbasses portrayed on cable shows like Swamp people, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, etc. cause you to believe we are all paranoid morons. Instead of saying "Americans" try saying, "This one eccentric person on the internet who does not represent any large faction in America". TIA
Okay, I am willing to have an open mind about it. However, I don't think their main priority is disarming us. Because in all honesty, against our government, our little shotguns and hand-held pistols aren't gonna do shit against the weapons our government has. So they know it's pointless to try and disarm us. I'm not for the government at all, mind you. I think it sucks and it does horrible things like the bombing of innocents you mentioned. I think it's disgusting, along with the spying and searching of our own people. But I don't think it's a malicious attack on us as people. The people in power are just extremely power-hungry, and want to control everything.
I don't really know why...that is just a theory. but...yup....ditto on everything u said. i still think the sandy hook thing was bull shit. when columbine happened we couldn't change the channel without seeing the gory images replayed over n over by the surveillance cameras but that wasn't the case with the sandy hook "shooting". As well as a plethora of other reasons.
· 11 years ago
You are right that they didn't show it. However, there are other reasons why they would omit those pictures. Maybe there were none, or maybe the parents didn't want their recently diseased children be shown. Also, with the person who was an actor in the video you sent could have been in severe shock, as would many people if a situation like that was happening. That would explain the very weird behavior.
Not to mention, don't you think they would know better than to joke around and THEN get into character right on camera? If they are intelligent enough to set up such an elaborate scheme to fool the people, they would probably know better than to make a foolish mistake like that. This is coming from someone who has (and continues to) go to an acting studio for 3 and a half years.
He didn't know he was on camera yet...I just do not believe it happened at all. like I said there are many other reasons why I think that but I won't waste anymore energy on here explaining. if you want to, search for yourself. some of the conspiracy theories do not make a lick of sense but there are some that make more than enough sense to compensate for the crazy ones.
It's stupid though. How could you think such a thing didn't really happen? Even if the govt is into that tricking people shit, and I think you may be watching too much television there, why would they do it like that? How can you fake such a thing?
I've been on the same journey since my parents tried to tell me a fat man came down a chimney (we didn't have) to leave presents that weren't wrapped when everyone else's were. and oddly enough this santa always seemed to leave everyone else 10 times more toys than he left us. hmmmmm....yeah...never believed in santa. i was the one sent home for telling the other kids he wasn't real
On the contrary, I can "logically think for myself." You really need to get off whatever shit you're doing. Do you take medication for paranoia? I really don't think the govt could be bothered with doing something like that. Why go through all that trouble?
ok guys everyone is entitled to their own opinion. ctlt you may be right about the shooting happening. ap you may be right about it not happening. we dont know but its good to take in all the views of a subject. everyone here is smart. everyone here has their own way of thinking. so lets not insult others please.
Who says I'm listening to what the media is telling me? Maybe it's what my heart says and all that sappy shit. Don't think you're all high and mighty or that you know everything just because you have a minority opinion.'re right. idk what really happened but my heart n gut n certain info makes me second guess it. Something is not being told. a bigger agenda is in play. its kinda like when u have the symptoms for a cold. and u "web-md" something...u realize how many possibilities of medical outcomes can be identified by a cagh and a fever. something is completely wrong in the whole world! N u feel like there is nothing u can do unite the masses that feel the same n are there....somewhere. I'm just trying to make u see something that i know is ther; i just don't know what. and stating contrary ideas and poking at ur soft spot is the only way to get a reaction. bc that's all people seem to react more out of: anger as opposed to love.
Vlekkie: that's a bit naive
Annoyingly positive: I can see where you're coming from. I Jist don't think that idea is exactly plausible. If there is something they don't want us to know about, I don't think they would make up something else. That's the thing I can't get my head around: their faking it.
i dont really know what the government would or wouldn't do to get a point across. They may go around causing tragedies.
· 11 years ago
Technically they kill their own people by sending them to war, to fight pointless fights for some bullshit reason. So they obviously have no qualms about killing their own people. But it has to benefit them in some way.
Well, the reason for most wars is either land, or power. The war in Iraq was based on oil and that's it. The only people it helps are the people in charge.
But aren't those men and women in war killing themselves if you look at it the way you do. Does the gov't make them go to war or do they sign up? I dont know so I could be wrong.
· 11 years ago
During the drafts they have no choice but to go to war. But there hasn't been a draft since Vietnam. Now they are signing up, but that is not the point. Most of them don't go to war for the reasons the gov't wants them to. They got for money, comradery or similar.
But if they're not going to war for the reasons the gov't wants, then its not like they're letting the gov't kill them. I mean, I agree that war is stupid and pointless.
· 11 years ago
Well, what I mean is that the gov't is sending other people to die in a pointless war. They don't have to send people to die, but they do it anyway. That's why I'm saying they don't have any qualms about killing their own people.
"your country loves you"....."your country would NEVER hurt you"......all that's missing is: "shhhhhhhh........shhhhhhhhh......go to sleep. everything is ok."
that's funny why do you get angry at somthing that didint happen to you fucking americans, mexico third world country bulling is a daily and very funny thing we go through its with us since we are 3 and do you know what we do we laugh and make a worst coment of them not cry like bitches and shoot people i mean there is violence here but its just between narcos all the other people are just regular people we do not carry guns with us we read books and listen to music make parties and carry on with our lifes but you know some people are stronger than others
The Mexican border has some of the bloodiest, most horrendous drug cartels of the world as of now. Just because they are narcos doesn't mean they are exempt from the violence going on.
but not in schools i mean we dont get damaged in the same way or so badly like to shoot people we get in fights and stuff but not to that point
· 11 years ago
I suppose that's true, but everyone who has done a major shooting with a lot of deaths have been older and out of school. They just went to a school to do it, probably because that's where a lot of people are. But the drug cartels does a lot worse than murders, as well.
o yea no fucking doubt about two years ago in the city where i study every day (almost) there would be narcos hanging frome a bridge horribly.... you know "dismemberd"
· 11 years ago
Exactly, and that is terrible. But you're right that they aren't happening within schools.
Not to mention, don't you think they would know better than to joke around and THEN get into character right on camera? If they are intelligent enough to set up such an elaborate scheme to fool the people, they would probably know better than to make a foolish mistake like that. This is coming from someone who has (and continues to) go to an acting studio for 3 and a half years.
Annoyingly positive: I can see where you're coming from. I Jist don't think that idea is exactly plausible. If there is something they don't want us to know about, I don't think they would make up something else. That's the thing I can't get my head around: their faking it.