Did you guys read that one post about the marine who came to tell a deceased marine's father his son had passed away but ended up holding his hand until he passed away?
Cuz' If Your A Part Of The Community: We Laugh Together, Cry Together (The Pic), Make Jokes Together, Fight Together Against Justin Bieber Together And Forget The Dinosaur Thing...
@vlsoto0309 Because if you're part of the community: We laugh together, cry together (The pic), make jokes together, fight together against Justin Bieber together and forget the dinosaur thing...
Capitals are used for a name, a title, and the beginning of a sentence not EVERY DAMN WORD (Also for emphasis).
Send me a link to the dinosaur thing and win a like... Naw just kidding already liked you all but please the link ??
· 11 years ago
It Was Removed From The Uploader :( But If You Wanna Look On Google And Shiz Then It Was Called "This One Time At Dinosaur Camp" Basically Its Porno.. With Dinosaurs....
Capitals are used for a name, a title, and the beginning of a sentence not EVERY DAMN WORD (Also for emphasis).