I like how the first family is showing how normal they are. Even if president Obama were cheating, he wouldn't be the first American president to do so. I would be interested to see how his approval rating changed if he got caught cheating.
Lol what makes you think he hasn't do you know how much the government hides from us?!? There is alot of shit about alot of these people we follow that we do not know about just because their personal lives could change how we view them. In addition these actions are not in the public domain yet, but may be available decades after for us to all know and learn about. Theirs alot of shit Mr.Luther king i'd say you guys would be shocked to hear about espcially knowing he was a minister what he did and what i've learned well now i'd say best do some research.
Michelle Obama has every right to do what she did. People act like they've never been a situation with their romantic partner where someone else was getting too cozy or flirty with their partner and they wanted to end that crap immediately. Michelle Obama is not a bitch.
If your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband or wife was getting a little too comfortable with someone, you'd end it too. We know what we see, but not the whole story.
i think there is a big difference between getting too comfortable and being friendly to the Prime Minister of Denmark a nation which is friends with the U.S one of the rare ones in which people from that country have a positive look toward americans and is a U.N ally so in this case Michelle needs to quit being a bitch.
IT IS LITERALLY THREE PICTURES! You know how they say a picture speaks a thousand words? You guys are forgetting the other 997 words! Like there could be a billion other reasons for these three pictures but, the media portrays it as the stereotypical one http://jezebel.com/people-are-obsessed-with-michelle-obamas-not-amused-1481041209 !
I think she probably made him switch seats because a few minutes earlier he and the blond woman were taking selfies together, which is completely inappropriate for a funeral.
not funeral that whole thing was a remembrance they remember him as something good so these people in South Africa were celebrating his life not mourning his death... but i wouldn't expect dumb americans to understand this logic
One of the more recent pictures taken at Mandela's memorial shows her playing along just as much as he does, photographers just make more money on the shots that might make something seem controversial.
"I wanna go home"