yes i lose weight so easily, only the people with the curse understand how bad it actually is
· 11 years ago
If I weighed 2kg less I would be classed as anorexic, but I can't gain or lose weight no matter what I do, but I don't really give a shit, I can eat all I want with no regrets :D
You like what you like. There is nothing wrong with liking non curvy girls better than curvy girls or curvy girls better than non curvy girls. Girls don't always try to be thin and girls don't always try to be curvy. Saying curvy girls are better than non curvy girls is going to lower A LOT of girls' self esteem. Especially the ones who can't help not having curves or don't even mean to be thin. Everybody likes different things. Like snopes said, treat your body right!!
That's it but some girls just aren't curvy. Also it wasn't so much the post that brought that comment on... It was more your comment O.O No offense. You probably didn't mean anything by it. But anyway... It's the personality that really matters anyway right?
Pancakesandwaffles- I agree with you 100%. I'm super thin (not trying to brag, it's just how my body is) and I'm constantly having people tell me that I have no boobs or butt. People think that it's terrible to put people down for being bigger, but some people don't understand that some skinny people just have that type of body. People say that you should love your weight, but then they turn around and say something about how disgusting skinny people are. I just don't think it's right.
Yes. Different people like different things and there are different body types. Some people are naturally plump or skinny or in between. It seems like it's really common for skinny minis like you or me to focus more on the people that are saying that they like curvy or plump women better and vise versa. People should just do their best to stay healthy and embrace their body type instead of trying to change it. :)
This is absolutely offending. I am naturally not curvy and your saying that nobody like me they only like curvy people.
· 11 years ago
oh my god you idiot guest I'm naturally stick thin and trying to gain weight and they were saying that THEY like curvy girls better, not that we're ugly or anything. calm down.
As a girl who isn't very curvy (my nickname is "a stick with butterflies," don't ask) I get the point of these posts, and I know what they're intended for, but it kind of hurts inside, just a little twang on your heartstrings, but it's there. It's not a big deal, just wanted to let you see it from a different perspective.
Also, I have a friend who would be at the other end of the spectrum, with the curves any girl dreams of. However, people ask her for "butt touch coupons" I kid you not. She hates that, and hates how no guys ever look past her body and into her soul (if that makes sense) so that's just another story, and it's really only the surface. Guys get EXTREMELY perverted around her, it's just weird...
You know what screw curvy girls and screw skinny girls. I think there is a best type of girl and that is a fit one. Why, you ask? Some girls can't help being curvy and some can't help being skinny. However, everyone can bust their ass to be fit.
they're not skinny shaming for god's sake- there's nothing wrong with being skinny. there's something wrong with anorexia and bulimia obviously, but it's not about looks, it's about being healthy mentally and physically. There is also something wrong with obesity, it's really unhelathy. no one is skinny shaming here. they are simply stating their preference for curvy girls whih is perfectly within their rights. how about you just stfu and learn your facts and think twice before opening your mouth stupid guest.
How about you stuff your face with more mcdonalds and shut up, mcdildo.
I'm just saying this picture is stupid because its a picture of a celebrity probably photoshopped to make her look flawless. And she is not even curvy she is skinny. She looks like an ideal women and a lot of girls want to look like her. So many girls fight with body issues everyday, they say be curvy but don't be fat! Or be skinny but not stick skinny. Society and the media is always telling us how we should look when frankly some of us cant help how we look.
She's not skinny. You all are thinking of how she would look from the side, her profile. What the post is actually talking about is her chest area from the front and her hips. Neither are skinny, they are curved. Some girls starve themselves so much that they dont even have hips, or that their hips are only visible because its the bones you see.
This type of thing is what fat girls tell themselves to make themselves feel better. Skinny girls are hot. And Scarlet Johansen? You think she's "curvy?" She's skinny as hell. Stop pounding pastries down your faces, fatties.
I am assuming you mean hear, hear, and are responding to the comment shaming fat girls. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself to support shaming of 'fat girls' because you do not like the way the look. I am just disgusted by you and the previous comment. She is an hourglass shape, which is not actually the typically skinny shape, and she has curves, not straight lines. There are things wring with being obese, but not curvy. Fat girls do no tell themselves this to make themselves feel better- it is one person's valid opinion and there is nothing wrong with it. If you think skinny girls are hot, fine- or if you agree with that other guest, fine. but don't shame other girls for it. People like you are half the reason that girls hang themselves, cut, cry themselves to sleep every night, have depression, suicidal thoughts, and anorexia and bulimia. So you had better stop shaming curvy girls right now.
I'm just saying this picture is stupid because its a picture of a celebrity probably photoshopped to make her look flawless. And she is not even curvy she is skinny. She looks like an ideal women and a lot of girls want to look like her. So many girls fight with body issues everyday, they say be curvy but don't be fat! Or be skinny but not stick skinny. Society and the media is always telling us how we should look when frankly some of us cant help how we look.