Aww! But I hate those kinds of parents! My friend has eczema, and a mom in safeway pulled away her daughter when we walked past. She then told her kid to stay away because "we don't go near yucky people or we could get yucky too!" So I went up to her and calmly told her that it wasn't my friends fault, it was genetic, and it's not contagious. "I don't go near rude people or it might make me rude too."
Oh my gosh you deserve like a billion high fives! My cousin has eczema too and a lot of people judge her, but she's still so amazing everyday. Seriously I want to give you a hug
I love how funsubstance is full of awesome people :)
· 11 years ago
My nanny when I was growing up was a 6'5" man, shaved head, tattoos, and a leather jacket. And he was the sweetest guy ever. He would brush my hair (it was fucking Rapunzel long when I was a kid) and braid it every morning, rub my back when I was sad or sick, and play dress up with me :)
I had a biker friend and he helped mentally disabled adults (he called them his kids) on a regular basis and every Christmas he would dress up as Santa and bring them all gifts. He also ran a toy fundraiser during the holidays for children whose parents couldn't afford toys.
This guy is a hero! He's an amazing person and judging is wrong (unless it's a talent show) and no one should look just on the outside! The inside is what matters
Look as good as this biker dude was as a parent you can't risk you kids life just to look nonjudgemental. It's natural to judge people and downvote me if you want but i would've done the same thing, if i didn't know his backstory.
People say hi. Its nice of people, it doesnt matter how they look, because i know from experience a simple hi back can make someones day better. The homeless people always say hi to me, and just the fact that i say hi back makes them smile. Its just hi, its not like a person is running away with your kid.
Why can't people dress how they want? I have tattoos, wear DM's, have piercings etc and I'm a gooddammed florist and registered volunteer at a children's home! I'm also a Beaver Scout leader and they all love my 'arm pictures'.
And there are just as many stereotypes about things you can change, like clothing and style, as things you can't change like skin color. Stereotypically, black people are "ghetto, rude, unintellegent etc." (don't deny it, that is what society has categorized them as) and you wouldn't say "so why be so black on the outside when that doesn't define your true nature" so don't say it about clothing styles and etc. (i hope that made sense lol)