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FYI That is my pink stuffed peep named Tim. I love him :) Funsubsters

FYI That is my pink stuffed peep named Tim. I love him :)

There last thing you see before... Hidden Funsubsters

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Sisters from different misters Funsubsters

Sisters from different misters

~Vibes~ GIF Funsubsters


Snail brings the mail by Russell Punter and Fred Blunt Hidden Funsubsters

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Sundays mean getting to wear my pirate costume and a random hat to practice breathing fire Hidden Funsubsters

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Man I still got my quarantine hair Hidden Funsubsters

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Look at what Mialinay and I have created! Funsubsters

Look at what Mialinay and I have created!

Growing out my nails for the first time ever! Feels weird, I have unlocked “Scratch” Funsubsters

Growing out my nails for the first time ever! Feels weird, I have unlocked “Scratch”

Is it just me, or is there something stuck in my beard? Funsubsters

Is it just me, or is there something stuck in my beard?