

— Garlog Report User
Truth in reporting, please 12 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Obviously there's more to this than what it looks like. That's a ludicrous amount of money that no one would feasibly be able to pay, it doesn't make sense for anyone who actually wants to able to sell the drug.
disney 9 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Virtue signaling.
Wrong fabulous Hare 9 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
I'm pretty sure men with courage slay them, too.
The threat of Count Dracula is not as big as that of money loving priests 8 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
How, precisely, was this "instead" of a hospital?
Smart momentous Herring 6 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Well their stuff isn't the most hardcore metal in the world, but neither is Rob's, really, so I don't really know what the problem is.
4 · Edited 4 years ago
Long-term earthy unequal Jay 2 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Those two things are not even close to mutually exclusive.
Not if you were responsible 11 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
No, generally its refining the choices made during you twenties, and cleaning up the aftermath of the bad choices made during that time.
Can you name another? 6 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Yeah, but it was a stupid curse, not all that big compared to regicide.
3 · Edited 4 years ago
Offf..., 14 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Do you think this website should take a definitive political stance, guest?
Anon eats healthy 6 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
I never liked vegetables. Still don't like them.
Twitter will ban him soon 43 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
What, riddles now? Fuck off.
Twitter will ban him soon 43 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Stop trying to act like you can't define a culture to the point of understanding it enough to make a judgement based off of part of it.
That appears to be the crux of your argument and it's obviously bullshit.
Can confirm this 13 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Do you use warm water?
Twitter will ban him soon 43 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
A preference is a preference. It doesn't have to be particularly logical, you can dislike a restaurant because it smells weird to you. And the complexity of it doesn't make a difference.
That doesn't change because you can make up stories about finding the good in people.
Twitter will ban him soon 43 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Alright I'll make a rare exception and respond to one of your tl;drs.
What's the effective difference between disliking something and labeling it as bad?
As for everything else, I think you're wrong that my argument assumes that they can't be corrected. A particular model of car that is bad is still bad even if the model that comes after it is good.
The People's History of the United States 6 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Life. Liberty. Pursuit of happiness. That kind of shit.
Humans are trash, change my mind 15 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
I'm pretty sure the people freaking out about 2012 were a minority, so there's likely more people taking climate change seriously now anyway.
Twitter will ban him soon 43 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
I was imagining that the car was designed without wheels, not simply missing them.
Would it be wrong for someone to dislike a restaurant because it was slow?
Twitter will ban him soon 43 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
That sounds wishy-washy. Why can you not dislike it as whole because of some part of it? If an otherwise luxurious car doesn't have wheels, it's a bad car overall, is it not?
Alabama 100 17 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
It seems implied by saying that it probably won't ever change because of them.
Alabama 100 17 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
None of that sounds like an actual near-impossible barrier.
Ayo 1%, where you at?? 6 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
No, because I think the threshold for abuse should be higher than that.
Alabama 100 17 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
What's logistically stopping fetuses from being counted on the census?
Meet the Midwesterners 14 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
They'll still drive even if the train is an option.
Speaks for itself 10 comments
garlog · 4 years ago
Murder is worse than rape.