

— Garlog Report User
What is your opinion on fan service? 2 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
It *can* ruin a show if its low quality and/or gets in the way too much, but it is, in itself, generally a net positive.
High School DxD is a good example of copious fanservice in an awesome show.
Cats Surveillance Specialists 12 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
I've caught a mouse with my bare hand before, so probably.
Found the cure to the common cold and it's litterly "wash your hands". 3 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Yeah, I remember people on the news being worried about some sort of one-two punch of COVID and the flu, and I remember just wondering how the hell people think the flu season was going to be in any way significant, with all the restrictions and guidelines we had in place.
Cats Surveillance Specialists 12 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
I mean, I'm pretty sure a human could have also used the surveillance cameras to track a mouse...
Same king same 5 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Fair enough.
Now that I look at it closer, the two characters are are probably meant to enhance the comedy.
Typical af 1 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
He doesn't have a choice not give you those.
Still kind of a dick move, but don't make it sound like its absurd or hypocritical.
Don't do this to me 1 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
>weebs don't know about Kobayashi-san
Same king same 5 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Are those profile pics a coincidence, or were those added to the image later?
France doesn’t play games 1 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
They're out now, aren't they?
School zone 3 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
To be honest I read it as male-female initially.
Do not dumb here. No Dumb area. 9 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
We're probably just imaging different points on the stupidity scale. Either I'm overestimating how stupid you think this hypothetical person is or your underestimating how stupid I think he is.
I think we've both otherwise made our points adequately.
It is fine, and I'me tired of pretending it's not 5 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Its fine to do it, that's why the difficulty level is there, just don't complain that games should be made easier, or that you should be able to skip game-play and just watch the cut scenes, or something like that.
Do not dumb here. No Dumb area. 9 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Its usually more of a saving face/quick exit sort of thing in terms of utility.
Do not dumb here. No Dumb area. 9 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Hey, I'm not saying its a good insult, I'm just saying its a lack of skill if it fails, not necessarily a lack of intelligence.
Do not dumb here. No Dumb area. 9 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
The insult isn't meant to be accurate, its meant to have emotional impact.
Probably the thing I hate most in anime is the pervy fanservice stuff 1 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
>implying weebs give shit about what normies find creepy
I agree 1 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Grillers represent.
That’s life, baby 3 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Please don’t shun people who use easy mode 5 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
People who aren't bad generally have more fun on harder difficulty levels.
Majora's Mask - The Stress 4 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
It's not really stressful once you know what you're doing. Getting past the first 3-day cycle, and then learning what does and doesn't reset when you go back in time are the key things that you generally need to do to make the game more fun.
Personally I had a lot more fun on subsequent runs, trying to do as much of the Bomber's Notebook I could in one day and whatnot.
Harold spitting facts 3 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
It was funny, you're disapproval doesn't change that.
Heroes that chose themselves 14 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Even in the fantasy genre, where most of those types of stories are, there are plenty of stories that don't follow that particular set up.
Sounds more like you watching/reading the wrong stories more than something that's actually missing in stories.
1 · Edited 3 years ago
This is how introverts are bourne, Anu 6 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Sounds more like you lacked social skills and gave up on developing them.
That's racist 7 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
Yes 1 comments
garlog · 3 years ago
I mean, addicts probably know a lot about their addiction.