

— Garlog Report User
f*ck rich people 16 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
How so?
f*ck rich people 16 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
No you learn to read, dipshit, it says 600 billionaires, not the 600 richest billionaires, and the title of the post is literally "f*ck the rich".
"You can''t become a billionaire with honest work or luck. "
Enlighten me as to why you can't become a billionaire through legitimate means.
f*ck rich people 16 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Yes, yes, all rich people are monsters, sure thing, tovarish.
f*ck rich people 16 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Taxes are a necessary evil, all tax avoidance is "right", or at least morally acceptable. Close the loopholes or fuck off.
Loans are loans, paying your debts is "right".
f*ck rich people 16 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
That's a shit reason either way, but did you actually *cancel* those taxes, or are you talking about tax havens or loopholes, or something?
Love yourself damnit! 4 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
>poor people don't have family/friends
Buck tooth Winnie people, you cant even speak your own language anyway 3 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
It's still funny and your garbage meme can't change that.
Smort 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Because one guy told him he'd rather make $100K/year, than $10K/month.
Apparently it doesn't care about your feelings 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
That last image does not imply that the truth is worth embracing.
This is the only day you can upvote this 6 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Is this some boomer reference I'm too young to understand?
Socks and cigarettes keep a soldier going 4 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
FEMALE!!! 21 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
No, I wear what I want and have never felt restricted by gender norms, because I have no desire to look feminine and enjoy looking masculine.
If I could go hog-wild it would be stuff like epaulets and capes and shit.
That can buy you half of a Nintendo game 3 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Where do they even get that number?
Angy indeed 13 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Cool, but then that also applies to their ability to consent to HRT and shit.
Kittens are for petting 8 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Because I choose to. I could form an emotional bond with one of those chickens too, but I don't feel like it.
Works on other websites too 4 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
You realize you can just remove yourself from the argument at any time, right?
Pixar eh? 15 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
I remember a little bit of that back when it was first announced, but it seems to have fizzled out since then.
Oh boy here we go 6 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
They are, in fact, called Dekus.
Ancient tradition of shitposting 1 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Would watch.
Meanwhile in Italy .. 7 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
"is only allowed to adopt a child with disability"
Megatron was fighting the Autobots fascism. 11 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Mandate from the masses still has violence inherent to it.
Are extroverts Okey? 5 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Stop trying to redefine extrovert and introvert so one isn't generally better than the other.
Extroverts do not lack the ability to self-reflect.
Unverified claims should be ignored. 12 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
>unverified claims should be ignored
Trust no one, I guess.
Daily dose of history, part 96 11 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Nah, the Soviets were the problem up until the 90s.
Thanks microsoft, my broke wallet loves you 5 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
It's $25CAD for a year, not a month.