

— Garlog Report User
The mental gymnastics of cancel culture astounds me 15 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction.
The United States constitution prevents the government from violating this principle in the form of the first amendment.
Just because the law doesn't specifically prevent private platforms from retaliating or censoring people based on their opinions and ideas doesn't mean that it isn't against free speech.
Fight me 9 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Be kind 3 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
I agree, but the image over-complicates itself. It would make more sense if you erased everything but the bottom line.
Be kind 3 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Nah, mate. There are a lot of people who, at least at this moment, are having a pretty good time.
Your passive aggressive life advice needs to at least make sense.
I hope all my homies are doing okay out there! 28 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
I hope all my homies are doing okay out there! 28 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
No he didn't, he just confirmed its premise.
I hope all my homies are doing okay out there! 28 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Wrong, in fact women should probably work on crying less, get on our level.
Just gonna drop the truth here 22 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Fair enough, I just don't really see anyone who actually reads the whole comment string in good faith thinking that I'm implying the opposite.
Just gonna drop the truth here 22 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Facts are facts, if people want interpret things in retarded, out-of-context ways, that's their problem, not mine. I won't cede reality for the sake of looking good.
It's a living. 5 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Free enterprise, motherfuckers.
Just gonna drop the truth here 22 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Yeah, we're probably just splitting hairs here, but I'm pretty sure its reasonable to say that physical sexual arousal exists as a state meant to ready the body for intercourse, where as flinching is meant to avoid whatever made you flinch, so kind of the opposite.
Just gonna drop the truth here 22 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
I'm not saying the point of the analogy is invalid, I'm just saying that because arousal happens as preparation for sex it makes more sense (though, again, not an adequate or legitimate amount of sense) to assume it amounts to consent to sex than assuming that constricting pupils means you consent to looking at a bright light, because the constriction is in reaction to the light, not as preparation for looking at bright light.
Just gonna drop the truth here 22 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
That's not actually very analogous, as arousal is meant as a preparation for sex, while pupil constriction (not dilation) is a reaction to being exposed to bright light.
Just gonna drop the truth here 22 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Gender configuration seems off here, but that doesn't make it any less accurate.
This week 12 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
I see. Not really on the same level of magnitude as the other things, then. Picture's cool, though.
Fillosuffee 3 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
I would argue (lol) that arguments are meant to be won or lost, but discussion or dialectic should hopefully cause some sort of progress.
This week 12 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
I know what the magnetosphere is, I was wondering what happened to that was special during the week of 04-10 October 2021.
· Edited 2 years ago
You can’t reason with this people 6 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Well, they must believe in something, but I imagine its a losing battle either way.
More fillosuffee 4 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Disinformation, maybe.
You can’t reason with this people 6 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Haven't' really debunked anything if that's the response.
This week 12 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
>at a critical time in history
Cool otherwise though.
What the deal with the magnetosphere thing? Is that special?
I don’t think anyone realizes 4 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
That was aimed more at Katelyn than you, but you still should have just posted Nicholas's tweet, instead of acting like Katelyn's tweet was some sort of succinct summation.
I don’t think anyone realizes 4 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Teachers are salaried, dingus.
f*ck rich people 16 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
That's you reading into a 24 word tweet, not me lacking reading comprehension.
Also, "legitimately" doesn't mean the same this as "legally".
Burden of proof is still on you.
f*ck rich people 16 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
There are an unlimited amount of ways to make money legitimately, you made the claim its impossible.
The burden of proof is on you.
And it would mean what it said, 600 billionaires.