

— Garlog Report User
Ranked 462nd as a man to 1st 15 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
That's what I thought too, but I heard people with university degrees say otherwise. University degrees. Imagine how smart they must be, I can't imagine they're wrong.
Ranked 462nd as a man to 1st 15 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Well, I'm told that a woman is anyone who identifies as woman, so with that settled, surely it makes sense for a significantly stronger woman to have an advantage in a boxing match (assuming an appropriate weight class match up, and anything else like that)?
Ranked 462nd as a man to 1st 15 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Well now hold on there, I'm given to understand that male and female refer to sex, while man and woman refer to gender. Checkmate, bigot.
Ranked 462nd as a man to 1st 15 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
How can it possibly be unfair to women if she, herself, is a woman?
Baseball is government conspiracy! 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
...I imagine there are several reasons why science writing is harder.
Honesty about emotion is important 1 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
You had your moment, that's generally what they're responding to when they say that.
If you desire some to validate that expression, that a different thing.
Also, don't be a wuss, you can totally hide that if you want to.
Self care is important 10 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Sounds more like self-maintenance, but those probably have a lot of overlap.
Who wants to wear women's clothes with me? 33 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Liking some animes and mangas doesn't make you a weeb stricto sensus btw :* 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Stricto sensus is someone who has an annoying preoccupation with and over-admiration of Japan, so yeah.
Be happy with them. 8 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Problem tends to be deciding when they've advanced to the point you should stop orienting.
Be careful what you wish for 17 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Its fun watching people try to judge and explain something unknowable, so that point is interesting, but probably not answerable by design.
· Edited 2 years ago
Be careful what you wish for 17 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
We're getting into semantics a little bit, I think, but I don't think suffering is categorically bad.
Be careful what you wish for 17 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
"If god wants there to be suffering in the world he cannot be considered benevolent. "
By our standards, sure, I guess, but presumably not by His.
Be careful what you wish for 17 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
It almost like we don't understand his plan, or something.
Canadians trying to keep up. There's a lot going on all of a sudden 5 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
>check news on truckers
>check nicely stocked freezer
>check news on Ukraine
It takes, like, two minutes, calm down. Go outside, or something.
All dreams are valid 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Yeah, telling people to dream big is supposed to be about pushing the idea that you *can* dream big, not that you *should* dream big.
Inuit Snow Goggles 3 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Yeah, snowblindness is a thing.
I miss karaoke night at the pub. 16 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
>can we all just behave
Not just me then 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
>being dependent on brain drugs for motivation
Good Advice... Um, Nevermind 3 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
i love this too much 11 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
>if you alter an image to make it look sassy it will look sassy
Very insightful.
I love this advice 6 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
I don't know, just sounds like some sort of cope drawn from trauma.
Zeus looking at everything like 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Zeus did not tend to have a good time after most of his sexcapades.
You're not built differently, you were built wrong 7 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Sounds like there's probably something else going on than what this makes it seem like, but, yeah, it does seem pretty dumb at a glance.
What would you do if you didn't have to worry about income? 12 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Do rich kids tend toward art? Doesn't seem like an accurate observation otherwise.