

— Garlog Report User
A big W for this guy 4 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Absolutely based.
You either keep religion out of politics or you pay taxes 17 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Tax evasion bad, report away.
phrase 1 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
That's not drama, that's glorious, earth-shattering actions that are so noteworthy you know about them centuries after they happen. Totally different.
Quack! 9 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Chaotic neutral 6 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Dude, just wearing red can make women more attractive, don't act like different clothing can't make women more or less distracting.
Potatoes 3 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Never liked this example because the time spans are vague and personally I've experienced the opposite.
Or "privilege" 5 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Yes, yes, people don't understand things and some of those thing hit personally. Be content that you know you worked hard and move on.
You do you and feel good about it 3 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
A little oversimplified, but yeah.
Finished this painting and wanted to share! 1 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Neato, a high res pic of that would go straight into my wallpaper folder.
Whether you believe in God or not I think we can both agree with this 7 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
That's not true, everybody does good and bad things.
Sentence is just a funny word for ransom 4 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Yeah, I fucking would if I were them.
Talk nerdy to me 8 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
I once saw a video of a komodo dragon removing an unborn deer from its mother and eating it whole.
Palpatine voice: Unlimited, Powerrr! 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
You can't simp to cartoon characters, this is silly.
Sentence is just a funny word for ransom 4 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
So, like, what do want? Speeding ticket means 45 seconds in jail?
Wholesome Substance 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Stop spreading weeds, damn it.
Observation 6 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Avoid the internet for such purposes either way.
Wholesome 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Heads up for anyone thinking of doing this, poor people tend to be insulted by that kind of stuff.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
Like my post, mosquitos plz 1 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Install a screen.
Weird how everyone suddenly cares about womens Sports 3 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Just because I don't give a shit about it personally doesn't mean I can't agree with people who don't want it to be destroyed.
Working in retail? Know this: 4 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
"The customer is always right" is supposed to be a reminder to maintain a positive demeanour, basically answering wrong things with something like "yes, but", or "I see, however".
This is why you organise 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
· Edited 2 years ago
My local news station trying to teach us the difference between a severe weather watch, 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
I think the problem is that the two terms seem to suggest the same thing, that you should look out for possible tacos. The difference just isn't intuitive.
You all know what I mean 4 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
But animals already exist, why would adding Pokemon to the mix change anything?
Potatoes! 10 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Sounds like a reasonable employer and a based individual. Hopefully they both went on to find what they need.
Good guy bartender 5 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
So, what, is he not allowed to just say it out loud?