

— Garlog Report User
Red flags 6 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
/bi 82 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Hard disagree, he should live free.
Also disagree for the most part, I'm a supporter of defending yourself to victory.
Smells like fragile masculinity to me 11 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
So buy the women's scents.
Ugh .. can't write titles today 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
What else are we supposed to do?
Just saying .. 5 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Sure thing Dave, do you have an actual argument for why they're wrong, or are you just bullshitting on twitter?
Do you Megamind? 1 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Keep it up 1 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Bein' bad at something is the first step to bein' kinda good at something.
Know the good signs 1 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
The boundaries one and the effort one are the only things I really care about, and even the effort one seems optional.
The rest of them combine to sound like a kind of person I can't stand to be around for too long.
Your Well Being is important 3 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Yeah, I'm not even sure what being loved is if its not those things.
So people can stop b*tching about how they don’t know how to do this stuff 24 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
You guys don't get the food pyramid lesson?
Also what kid of self-defence specifically? Just let kids fight each other? Sounds like a fun gym class.
Men's Mental Health Matters 9 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Yeah, we're gonna have to disagree on this one.
There might be a gigchad way of saying it, but that's not done here.
Men's Mental Health Matters 9 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Don't disagree with most of the message, but not a good use of the gigachad.
Paraphrased and out of context but still good advice 1 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
That doesn't sounds realistically true, I'm pretty sure creating and solving a crossword puzzle uses the same kind of thinking.
society 16 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
What actually is the principal that guides what prisoners have a right to, and what counts as punishment?
Also, if you make 40 comments explaining it, I'll totally read them all, I'm legitimately curious.
Potatoes? That's no potato. 3 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
An opinion expert?
With all due respect 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
How often is the respect that is due specified?
TangibiliTea 1 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Too be fair, I'm far enough down the weeb rabbit hole that I tend to pronounce the "t" in tsunami.
Bodily autonomy isn't just for adults 2 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Kids don't necessarily know enough to make a responsible decision on that, so that's not the best idea full-stop, but it is a good idea to teach them to speak up about not wanting to be touched, whether its a good idea or not.
honk 8 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
I choose to add to the toxicity by also saying tl;dr.
That's you 5 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Why did he include a picture of absolutely nothing going on?
This is crazy. 4 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
There was thing thing here in Canada once where the cops decided to go undercover to stop a potential plot to bomb a government building by befriending the suspects, and arresting them in the act. The operation was technically a success, but an investigation found that the suspects were actually so hapless and stupid that they never would have got close to committing the crime if the police hadn't walked them through doing it step by step (including instructions for making a bomb that actually wouldn't explode), so they were released.
Listen 11 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
I wouldn't say those things take ZERO talent, but its a good list generally.
Iz warm 6 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
Unfortunately sweating doesn't make a sound.
Quack! 14 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
If its rude its rude, you saying it isn't doesn't make it true.
Also, is there any proof of that conspiracy theory?
What did OP think cats do at night? 5 comments
garlog · 2 years ago
The cat also gets the house for a while every time everybody leaves.