

— Garlog Report User
Interesting times we live in 3 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
There were places that looked more or less like that before grid-laying practices were standardized.
Life after 35 amirite 2 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Lol smoky Burgerland.
We drive by braille honestly 2 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Hey, we have the same game here in Manitoba.
Yeah, basically 11 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
You can argue it was justified, but its still ghosting.
Ugh, I can't even .. 2 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Yeah, basically 8 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
It's more or less the same group anyway.
Git gud 2 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Don't think the average McCafe enjoyer is rich.
Helpful reminder 1 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
It more accurate to say that about people who have no intention of debating in the first place. This includes idiots who don't really know what debating is, and dishonest actors, be they idiotic or not.
This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 8 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Ah, I see. How involved is the Florida government in state academic standards and what courses are taught/offered?
This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 8 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Doesn't the bill only apply before grade 3?
It be like that 3 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Those are all rewards if they are given as rewards. Most rewards are not rewards in their essence, but context.
Yeah, basically 1 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 8 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Is that what was considered drag back in the day?
2 · Edited 1 year ago
Incredible 2 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
I've seen this image before, but it gets me every time I see it.
Booba booba 1 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Fat, mammary glands, ligaments...
Do good recklessly 21 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Reminds me of that cuck image of the guy who rationalizes being okay with having his bike stolen because the guy that stole it is more happy than he is sad.
1 · Edited 1 year ago
The answer is always tiddys 1 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
It's been a rough couple of years 1 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Got fuckin' skills if you can keep shit on those tracks.
True story for the people who wanted it 2 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
The word Electrician has the same roots as Magician 4 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Agreed, very out of place.
I actually find a lot of zoomer stuff I see has twenty-something-year-olds using swears the same way me and my friends did when we were in junior high. It's like a weird stunted vocabulary/syntax thing, but only affecting their use of profanity.
Oh noes .. 2 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Ugh, I just wanna nap .. 1 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
It sounded based when I was a kid, and it sounds based now.
He's lost the plot 3 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Border line personality disorder, if I remember correctly. Is that the same thing as manic-depressive disorder?
1 · Edited 1 year ago
You’re bad at the game 2 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Why would you be salty if you win?
He he he 1 comments
garlog · 1 year ago
Then make more.