

The king of frost.

— GeluRegis Report User
Victory 25 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
It's the extra boss, from OFF.
My life is a lie 11 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Or Spongebob was created artificially.
A christmas tree tartlet 5 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Easter tree, maybe?
You heard it hear first folks. A female Pirate 6 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
It's not like she's the only female pirate people have heard of. Surely y'all have heard of Mary Read and Anne Bonny.
A reward for a hard life 8 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Then, we should bring back Le Guillotine, the national razor. Cut down crime and the status quo.
bee-sic geometry 24 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Bees can be lesbians too. Lesbeeans.
Speedwagon says 20 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
There have been a number of military base shootings, and years of training don't make you bullet proof or bullet resistant.
Make everyone eat tide pods then 22 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Right wing nut job, or so google says.
Make everyone eat tide pods then 22 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
It happened in some stores, but it's not a sweeping legislation thing where a whole state might require them to be locked up.
Ireland vs Climate Change 31 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Ireland isn't like the US where a car is needed to get to the nearest supermarket. Public transport is readily available, and you aren't gonna get shot or run over trying to walk or bike to where you need to go. By 2030, electric cars are gonna get a lot more affordable as well, and Ireland isn't so big a country that you'll need the sort of mileage you'd need here.
Repost but important 24 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
More bees, less things that kill bees.
Logan and Jake Paul? 11 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Heck, why you be boilin your seafood? Grill, fry, or steam is what you should do, unless its a hard shelled shell fish, like clams or lobster.
vampire 11 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
It might just be the uv rays that affect vampires. The moon barely reflects any uv radiation, and electric lights don't emit much either.
How to elongate your essays 12 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Menage a trois
The struggle is real 6 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Or some sort of tech support line
FEELS 32 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
If we leave the states and cities to fund their own schools, a good number of them are going to be severely underfunded for their population. We have an education budget in the federal government for a reason, even if most of that money ends up going to the military instead. We need smarter workers to take the increasingly high number of technical job positions that are opening up, and we can't have that if our schools have no money.
Nice man 3 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Or, at the very least, turn water into bong water.
The queen doesn't forgive, doesn't forget 5 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Or an ex
Affect & effect 10 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Hey, not everyone studies english language or grammar. This guy is probably in a STEM field or so.
Stop making stupid people famous 11 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
I don't worship physics or science. I don't worship celebrities. I don't worship a lack of belief. The closest thing I've come to worshiping was a bowl of tonkatsu ramen.
Stop making stupid people famous 11 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Please don't worship anyone or anything.
Ohh wait! Whaaaaatttt 4 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
Everybody tastes like pork, or so I've heard.
Never seen it like that 23 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
You take your bike on the train, get off close where you need to be, and bike the rest of the way.
Never seen it like that 23 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
That's what a bike is for.
Never seen it like that 23 comments
geluregis · 7 years ago
That's what a bus or train is for.