

— PanDaZZiaN Report User
I knew it, now my childhood is ruined ! 5 comments
gemzltd · 5 years ago
Yes, for now at least
These guys are going places 7 comments
gemzltd · 5 years ago
A swastika isn't bad it's a symbol of well-being in hinduism. it's the wierd mustache guy that give it a bad meaning. Blame wierd mustache guy not the symbol.
Straight parking 3 comments
gemzltd · 5 years ago
Some body give this guy a raise
Your whole carpet for only $99 13 comments
gemzltd · 5 years ago
Carpet for your whole only $99
Thanks mickey, you saved are childhood as well as poo's life :) 8 comments
gemzltd · 5 years ago
So i was wondering is it a bear sized mouse or a mouse sized bear?
I heard russian women are strong 2 comments
gemzltd · 5 years ago
10 L is 10 kg. Its not that bad
Any1 knows this feeling? 6 comments
gemzltd · 5 years ago
Cash is overrated
The internet of ducks 10 comments
gemzltd · 5 years ago
White Tiger climbing on a Tree 2 comments
gemzltd · 5 years ago
Its a (big)cat scratching post
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Cave beach 1 comments
gemzltd · 5 years ago
Where this?
You're being watched 5 comments
gemzltd · 5 years ago
Oh the lord Tachanka hear my prayer
An honor guard holds up a picture of Samarn Kunan, 38, a diver who died working to save 3 comments
gemzltd · 6 years ago
The navy seal that tried to save them
I'm not driving 4 comments
gemzltd · 6 years ago
May i ask your profession?
Priceless! 2 comments
gemzltd · 6 years ago
1 per bag?
Here 1 bag is 7 thb.
Which is 0.21 usd.
Activate 4 comments
gemzltd · 6 years ago
Spooky spooky skeleton send shiver down your spine.
Is this actually real? 10 comments
gemzltd · 6 years ago
Why not?
All the time 6 comments
gemzltd · 6 years ago
You need to have ebola to know da wei.
· Edited 6 years ago
The power of the reach. Thanks Lenny 6 comments
gemzltd · 6 years ago
It is on the right side in some of the countries including mine.
Oh hello there, how's the landing? 4 comments
gemzltd · 6 years ago
I was expecting Michael from Vsauce
Artificial intelligence 1 comments
gemzltd · 6 years ago
I like how the picture represent the present day quite accurately.
Heart skips a beat 1 comments
gemzltd · 6 years ago
The illustration of how close i am to losing my shit
Old men 12 comments
gemzltd · 6 years ago
It was rushed im sure this plot is not what it ment to be so many mystery unsolved
Old men 12 comments
gemzltd · 6 years ago
Still pissed kubo wrote it so that he died
So inspiring 5 comments
gemzltd · 6 years ago
Comic sans isnt lame
Lay down and die 21 comments
gemzltd · 6 years ago
You say:This is kayote peterson be brave stay wild and we'll see you on the next adventure