Sad but true 11 comments
· 9 years ago
it's none of your business what their parents buy them or what they do with their bodies tho
SHOTS FIRED 42 comments
You never know someone's life 76 comments
How about we make a kick in the nut simulator too? 46 comments
· 9 years ago
how about you try the simulator and realise it hurts more. every man I've heard of that's taken this has said the pain is worse. and most call it quits before it even reaches the maximum pain a woman experiences
That's Why They're Your Best Friend 6 comments
That's Why They're Your Best Friend 6 comments
Ageism at this restaurant 29 comments
Lisa Frank. Aaah, the memories. 23 comments
Worth it 17 comments
Don't be shy, guys love it, you are still sexy 21 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm not saying I should have to get up an hour earlier to make myself look 'decent' for my boyfriend. I'm simply saying I find it annoying when guys says stuff like this, because for me it's not true. people do not look beautiful or sexy with drool on them and their hair a mess. I'm not going to call them ugly but it always sounds very fake when guys says this soppy romantic shit and it often seems like they do it so they can get sex
just saying
just saying
Worth it 17 comments
· 9 years ago
ok thanks? I'm fully aware that people have different opinions. I simply said I don't understand how they can be enjoyable. not that no one likes them and everyone thinks the same as me. lmao
Edited 9 years ago
Worth it 17 comments
· 9 years ago
never get how people enjoy back rubs, they're the worst thing ever to me
Edited 9 years ago
You have to be so god damn specific on tumblr I swear 35 comments
· 9 years ago
well you spoke the truth so why would you get shit for saying it
anyone who smokes is a fucking idiot but people who self harm have a mental disorder
Edited 9 years ago
anyone who smokes is a fucking idiot but people who self harm have a mental disorder
They taste nowhere as good as they look 47 comments
· 9 years ago
nah mate, they're delicious. the flavour combinations are endless and they're a bitch to make so if someone can make the properly, they're a good cook
Edited 9 years ago
Don't be shy, guys love it, you are still sexy 21 comments
· 9 years ago
no one likes looking like that in the morning and I'm sorry but no one who sees someone looking like that thinks to themselves 'holy crap what a sexy/beautiful girl'
and tbh it's really annoying when guys say shit like that because it just seems like their doing it for sex
Edited 9 years ago
and tbh it's really annoying when guys say shit like that because it just seems like their doing it for sex
Truth! 7 comments
Make up 15 comments
· 9 years ago
it doesn't affect you what shape people's eyebrows are though? let them live their lives how they want lmao
Make up 15 comments