

— gluuurak Report User
A german saving a little dog 5 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
Nice. I would opt for "scheiße kalt" just to make it extra German.
What will it be? 20 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
I get what you mean; ml and g can make cooking and baking more precise (although I like using both methods now that I live here). However, Europeans have teaspoons and tablespoons as measurements, too, and we typically don't use ml for teeny amounts. The confusing part is that European and American teaspoons and tablespoons are not actually the same size. Took me a while to figure that out.
Jar of mustard that has a handle so it can be used as a cup after all the mustard is used! 12 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
It actually wouldn't. The lid just pops on and off.
I thought this was too funny 37 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
Sounds fine to me. Not like he or his children will be ruling anyway. I was expecting something actually, well, bad.
And I agree. They should pay for their own expenses, just like everyone else. God knows they have the money.
I thought this was too funny 37 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
Uh, what happened?
Healthcare is such a complex beast 37 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
This is really misleading because basically every one of these countries funds their universal healthcare through different means. And "universal" does not mean "free". It never does. People need to stop conflating the two.
Facts 10 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
And how many of those men were cut out of their children's lives against their will? Cause that's upsettingly common as well.
Casually illegal 14 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
As a legal immigrant, these are my two cents on the matter: Ever think about how it must feel to be a legal immigrant who jumps through thousands of hoops and is still questioned at every step, just to see people that show no respect for a country's laws the moment they set foot in it be praised for that very act? Being against illegal immigration has nothing to do with being racist. I may be unhappy with the process sometimes, but I'll take a country caring about who they take in over one that doesn't any day. It takes a lot of effort and money to come here legally, not to mention the stress you go through even though your case is legit, so people wanting to hand everything to illegal immigrants are a giant slap in the face to someone like me. Immigration is not a human right; no country is obligated to take you in, you need to prove that you're worth it.
Little Swedish girls 3 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
Pipi wasn't insufferable, though.
The Germans are big on descriptive words 12 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
This whole thing made me curious and I looked up what the "-schaft" part actually means. Apparently it comes from the old high-German word "scaf(t)" or "skaf(t)" which meant the "state"/"character", "order" or "rank" of something. Like many words ending in "-schaft", the compound word for science developed in medieval times.
If we take this into account, Wissenschaft really means "the state or order of knowledge". I guess you could describe it as our "system of knowledge", in a way, which makes a lot of sense.
The Germans are big on descriptive words 12 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
Or cursing! I miss Germany's casual attitude when it comes to swearing, too. Nobody looks at you funny because you're letting off some steam.
The Germans are big on descriptive words 12 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
That's not quite what "Wissenschaft" means. It sounds neat, but "Wissen" really means knowledge, not wisdom (that would be "Weisheit"). And the "-schaft" part at the end of it... hm... that's more like the "-tion" part in lots of English words, like in "anticipation" or what have you. Unless there is a linguistic root for it that I'm unaware of.
· Edited 5 years ago
Be a bro to spiders 9 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
Exactly, I love these little guys. They're the only kind of spider I like (and I really don't like spiders). When you look real close, you can see their big, cute eyes. They move very differently from other spiders and don't give me the creeps, even when they land on me. I have had many jump off of my hands or arms over the years. It helps that they don't get very big, so they stay nice and harmless even when fully grown.
One of them always hangs around my laptop and he's my little buddy. He frequently bungee-jumps from my lamp to the desk (they secure themselves for big jumps with a thread of silk that's attached to their butt).
*laughs in Scandinavian* 16 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
Everybody keeps talking about healthcare in Europe being free or way better. But when I compare what my parents pay for their basic healthcare with what I pay over here in the US, there isn't much of a difference. The two-tier system in Germany may work better and perhaps my parents have better coverage over-all - that is a possibility. I did always feel like the system worked pretty well. But people need to stop calling it "free". That's super misleading. Healthcare differs from country to country and German healthcare is nothing like, say, Canadian healthcare (which, as far as I can tell, is closer to "free", even though that's a lie, too and it seems to have terrible wait times). You do pay way more for healthcare in Germany than Canada, since it's not covered by high taxes. But because of that it's also not shit, even if you have "normal" healthcare and not the more expensive private kind that richer people can afford. What I'm saying is: you'll be alright, but it'll cost you.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
*Anger noises* 4 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
No, that's Dutch or Swiss German, not actual German. Unlike French, Dutch sounds super endearing, though (to a German, anyway). So it's got that going for it.
Warum liegt hier ein Stroh? 5 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
Why is there (a) straw on the floor? (The "a" or "ein" is a mistake, perhaps an intentional one. Anyway, think straw like hay, not like straws you drink with).
I hope every woman in the world do this 12 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
Turns out it was actually the other way around. But that didn't stop the internet from demonizing him before any guilt could ever be established...
Niccee 10 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
We have almost the same thing in German, too: "Das sitzt wie angegossen".
Thanks sncf ! 2 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
Germany would be in the same category as France.
So controversial, yet so brave 11 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
Exactly. It frustrates me to no end that there *are* lions with slightly darker fur and almost black manes in the wild. Why make them all look the same then?
Furry hates 7 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
Apart from the fact that it has no reason to exist (except for Disney to make money without having to come up with new ideas), it really shoots itself in the foot with how realistic everyone looks. The Lion King is a very emotional story (no wonder, with it being based on Hamlet), but the photorealism doesn't give them a chance to emote. That's detrimental to the story. I know that this is how actual lions look and that they can't emote, but MAYBE it was a bad idea to make them look real if they can't express themselves without literally saying how they feel. The original's stylized and colorful look was the perfect vehicle for this story.
I admire what the visual effects team has achieved here - they should be proud of themselves. But that doesn't change that this was a stupid idea in the first place.
The original has stood the test of time, but I doubt anyone will remember this remake in 25 years.
Call me whatever you want, but you're not changing minds with that attitude, buddy.
Furry hates 7 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
The only thing in its trailer that had me excited was that split second you could see a tiny African grey parrot sitting on an elephant's tusk. But that's because I have one. Everything else about it looked entirely inferior to the original, especially in regards to facial expressions. What are they feeling in any of these shots? Fuck if I know. Their oh-so-important realism is making it impossible to tell.
This show is a masterpiece! 6 comments
gluuurak · 5 years ago
Looks like Long Feng to me.
Oh la la 6 comments
gluuurak · 6 years ago
I call bullshit. My little brother got injured during their games all the time and after many years he eventually quit soccer for this very reason. One of his thigh injuries never healed right and it still troubles him today (a player buried his cleats in his leg and injured the tissue almost all the way to the bone). So yeah, I'd argue that soccer is a pretty rough sport for both genders.
Funny parrot 6 comments
gluuurak · 6 years ago
Most pet birds that aren't practiced flyers can fly up no problem. It's getting down that they don't know how to do. Apparently, flying downwards at an angle is actually pretty hard, so it's something they have to practice a lot to get good at.