Its cheap and its easy 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Those are gardettos you uncultured swine. I would recognize the rye chip anywhere
Husky spiffy Porcupine 6 comments
Yup, sounds about right 2 comments
· 6 years ago
And guess what? I’m saving this one, too, and probably won’t use it either.
We're in 2017 but The Class of 2018 in 3018 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Students at the school I teach at tried doing this. Everyone was getting 100% on the homework, but massively failing the tests because they didn’t know how to do the work because they hadn’t done the practice themselves.
I am bad aatt thiss 4 comments
Smoking is good for the environment 3 comments
· 6 years ago
And actually all the things about cigarettes that are toxic to humans are also toxic to the environment, e.g. carbon monoxide
This will probably be me in a few years 3 comments
Shots fired 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Not necessarily a badass quote, but my favorite military quote comes from a union general during the American civil war: as his soldiers were lining up, the confederates were shooting at them. He said, “don’t worry, boys, the rebels couldn’t hit at an elephant at this dist-“ he didn’t get to finish his sentence because he was shot in the head by a confederate.
Proofreading 2 comments
How many days have you gone? 7 comments
Well, now you now the truth 8 comments
How dangerous stunts were shot by Charlie Chaplin 5 comments
· 6 years ago
And then there’s Buster Keaton who actually let the side of a house fall around him and actually jumped on a moving train. No camera tricks
chich 19 comments
You cannot argue with Facebook 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Hi there, English teacher here. I teach on logical fallacies and such. It seems like you’re a little confused on what constitutes the “argument from authority” fallacy. If I say that I have an English degree, that makes me an authority in some things (grammar, logic, literature, etc.) but not in other things (math, science, music theory, etc.) and thus I can help with things in those categories I am an expert in, and my advice would be helpful, sound, and authoritative. However, if I try to offer advice on some other field just based on the fact that I have a college degree, I would be committing the “argument from authority” fallacy.
So someone who has a doctorate in electrical engineering is someone who I assume would be an authority in non-ionizing electromagnetic waves.
It would be a fallacy if the expert in this example has a PhD in, say, microbiology. Hope this helps!
So someone who has a doctorate in electrical engineering is someone who I assume would be an authority in non-ionizing electromagnetic waves.
It would be a fallacy if the expert in this example has a PhD in, say, microbiology. Hope this helps!
Vsaucy 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Thanks! I always assumed 3D equated to prism-ness. But then again, I majored in English lol
Vsaucy 6 comments
· 6 years ago
I see a lot of vsauce’s tweets being shopped to make them funnier or more nonsensical, but I can verify that this is an unaltered tweet in all of its nonsensical-ness
Then I'm a son of nothing 15 comments
· 6 years ago
Bill gates came from a very wealthy family and it has a lot to do with how he became so phenomenally successful
Hmm 9 comments
· 6 years ago
I’m defense of all English teachers (I am an English teacher): there is no book that is considered worthwhile literature that does not contain symbolism to at least some extent. I’m not saying that there aren’t books that don’t contain symbolism, but I am saying, you won’t be taught any of these in any literature class.
Hmm 9 comments
Ooooo this is smart! I wish I had the internet to help with my papers back in the day! 7 comments
· 6 years ago
A 0% match would be even worse because then that would ostensibly mean you didn’t quote anything (which you almost always need to for a college paper)
A fact 3 comments
· 6 years ago
But the “adam” guy and the “don’t say I look like chicken little” guy is the same guy