

— graffyn_guy Report User
No dates 4 comments
graffyn_guy · 1 year ago
Happy removal day, tumor baby
Dexterity 1 comments
graffyn_guy · 1 year ago
This is why I invest in floss
I NEED to travel for my mental health 4 comments
graffyn_guy · 1 year ago
They're month-long vacations
It's in Black Candy 1 comments
graffyn_guy · 1 year ago
And antidepressants, and antibiotics, and... basically every medication. There's a reason why it's recommended if you poison yourself, because it takes EVERYTHING out. Don't consume it for fun.
It would seem so 2 comments
graffyn_guy · 1 year ago
Call me a North American river otter then, because neither do I.
As long as we're being honest 4 comments
graffyn_guy · 1 year ago
I specifically don't care because I don't have the energy to be anything other than apathetic
They also created anime to make people forget about the war crimes 3 comments
graffyn_guy · 1 year ago
Apparently Japan was planning on spreading THE BUBONIC PLAGUE in california and were only stopped because of the nukes
Rowan Atkinson with his McLaren F1 4 comments
graffyn_guy · 1 year ago
He looks photoshopped in
The old lady on the iron throne 4 comments
graffyn_guy · 1 year ago
Why is it a hexagon? 5 comments
graffyn_guy · 1 year ago
Hexagons are the most efficient shape, which is why it's so common in nature. From insect eyes, to bee hives, to snowflakes, it's hexagons all the way down.
This scandal sucked 8 comments
graffyn_guy · 1 year ago
Roosevelt's not the only one busting
I've always found this funny 7 comments
graffyn_guy · 2 years ago
That was 2 years later, though. The movies were already done by that point.
I've always found this funny 7 comments
graffyn_guy · 2 years ago
Well, he was also growing it in his home. And I think he had an illegal knife as well?
I've always found this funny 7 comments
graffyn_guy · 2 years ago
Yeah, the actor was arrested for possession of cannabis, and was thus dropped.
Abscam 9 comments
graffyn_guy · 2 years ago
They can't. If they did this now there wouldn't be any congressmen left.
Happy 1 year anniversary to the Ever Given! 3 comments
graffyn_guy · 2 years ago
The Ever Given got stuck in March. Why are you posting about the anniversary in July?
Unit 4 comments
graffyn_guy · 2 years ago
I like that this image resonated with the user so much they made it their profile pic
Now you know. 4 comments
graffyn_guy · 2 years ago
"Mike" is short for "Micycle"
You all know what I mean 4 comments
graffyn_guy · 2 years ago
You really don't know the Pokemon in question, huh?
Haha yes 7 comments
graffyn_guy · 2 years ago
Violence isn't a solution; it's a question, and the answer is yes.
Tax funds being put to good use I see 5 comments
graffyn_guy · 2 years ago
Many, many places in the western world, unfortunately. I've seen these everywhere from the states to the UK. It's disgusting.
Tax funds being put to good use I see 5 comments
graffyn_guy · 2 years ago
Just waiting for a good samaritan with an angle grinder
technically 3 comments
graffyn_guy · 2 years ago
I'm sure being born to a completely different woman was fairly easy for your adopted mother
I sense a disturbance in the force 3 comments
graffyn_guy · 2 years ago
double cheeked up on a thursday afternoon
Ka-bewm 3 comments
graffyn_guy · 2 years ago
I know the Soldier/Demo friendship is a big point in canon, but I feel like this would've worked better with Engie
2 · Edited 2 years ago