

— graffyn_guy Report User
The gay agenda is dangerous! 11 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
I'm not gay but this shirt is so satirical and sarcastic and I need it.
i feel you cat 5 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
Your first mistake is using your microwave for baking. Even if it was a microwave oven, normal ovens are what is supposed to be used.
Shit just got real What a time to be Alive 14 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
The very sound of the phrase "Bionic Pants" is more than enough for me to want them.
I found this beauty 12 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
Yes. Spread Questionable Content. Everyone should read it.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Most Mexican gif... Not disappointed 9 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
I want to thank you with all of my heart for linking me to that masterpiece.
They tried anyway, its their job 3 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
Not to mention that when the note was found, everything had been dismantled and the catacombs were void of any trace of the cinema.
yeeeee my brother of african american decent 7 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
Because he's having fun, presumably.
I can't stop laughing 18 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
This Canadian is flattered.
I can't stop laughing 18 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
That's what this Canadian does.
yasss fight back Radcliffe 11 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
What movie role of his is he talking about? I went through all the Harry Potter movies in my head before remembering that Daniel does other things xD
I can't stop laughing 18 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
One of my favourite feelings during the winter is washing my hair and going outside and waiting for my hair to freeze.
If you can't avoid close combat 31 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
Because you move a whole lot slower in the water. Unless you're an Olympic swimmer, you probably cannot swim faster than a horde of wasps can fly.
Guess the conflict 11 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
Well, it's a war-stricken area and soldiers are using their downtime to help the kids take their minds off all the strife. Of course they would have to keep their weapons in close proximity in case of an unexpected situation.
Didn't the Junie B Jones author die last year? 41 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
I'm none, but I did read the Cirque du Freak manga,
A lot of people ask, "Why? Why treat the robber this way?" 6 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
From what I've seen, working the sandwich line at Subway is much more complex than cooking normal fast food.
Sand castles 10 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
You can get paid for doing them as attractions and decorations for events or places. Same as an ice sculptor, or any craftsman.
· Edited 7 years ago
The more you know 10 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
Because the country is basically made to beleive that Kim Jong Un, Kim Jong Il, and Kim Il Sung (all the leaders of North Korea so far) are all gods, to put it plainly. So of course the propaganda makes the public believe their divine, impeccable God-Leader won gold in every single event in the Olympics.
Sand castles 10 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
I mean, to be fair, "amateur" doesn't necessarily mean less talented. It just means that they don't get paid for their work. SO in this case, building sandcastles is a hobby he's very good at, but he's not a professional because he isn't paid for it, because it isn't his profession.
Damn. 16 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
Basically, if you change your profile picture, every instance of your profile picture is changed to what it is currently.
Very important update 1 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
Here's what happens when you try to steal a Rolls Royce hood ornament 6 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
Looks like you could very easily keep the ornament from going down if you used some force. The amount of effort displayed in the demonstration was that of someone just wanting to touch the ornament. It would be relatively easy to yank it off the hood if done fast enough.
The ultimate achievement 6 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
Unlawful possession of a "cured" vehicle?
Magic *snort snort* 19 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
Also, someone could have salted the ground in the shape of tire tracks before the frost fell.
Magic *snort snort* 19 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
Occam's Razor may be against me, but this is what I think could be an explanation (assuming it isn't Photoshop)
Step 1. They loosened the sign before the frost fell.
Step 2. The used a Pickup truck to make the tracks. There was one person sitting on the hood of the car, one driving very slowly, and another in the bed of the truck.
Step 3. The person on the hood pulled the sign out of the ground and handed it to the person in the truck bed.
Step 4. After the driver drove past the hole the sign was in, they stopped.
Step 5. The person sitting in the bed pushed the sign back into the hole.
Step 6. They drove back on the road, got out, and took a picture.
Alternatively, someone could have just walked very carefully in the tire tracks and drove the sign into the ground.
Probably not what happened, but those are the machinations of my mind in response to this photograph.
When you get past the shell, we're all the same 12 comments
graffyn_guy · 7 years ago
No, we're not all the same, because I'm not a moNSTER WHO'D DUMP A BAG OF M&M's ON THE GODDAMN ROAD
*breathing heavily*