"All the better to eat you with, my dear.”
I huffed and I puffed,
And the house blew apart,
I’m leaving for now,
But you’re all in my heart.
[Feb 2019]
Best idea 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Very cool. It sounds like those dogs are only there temporarily, like during finals week, and not full time. I have a sneaky suspicion that a full-time program would be do more harm than good for the puppers. But could be a neat idea for students to relieve some stress and for doggos to get some good lovin’ for a few days.
Best idea 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Would this work for the dogs? In my head, they’d have dozens of random strangers constantly petting them, might get attached to that really sweet student but then never see them again, and have varying degrees of quality of attention throughout the day. Plus, they’d have no stable mom or dad. Anyone an expert who can answer this?
An adventure awaits this guy 4 comments
Doing it for the kids 7 comments
· 6 years ago
I don’t know enough about fair wages for inmates to speak to it. But totally agree that there needs to be a conversation about the juvenile detention system (and whether it does more than just prepare teenagers to become adult prisoners in a few years). The guy who created this post made it seem like 58 kids were being ‘forced’ into, like, some Hunger Games of fire fighting. That wasn’t the case and got pointed out accordingly.
But how can I tell, it's like they're twins 6 comments
Victim blaming is still victim blaming even if it's masked in "feminism" 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Oh my lord. This was eye opening. Every teenage girl needs to watch this video.
Tranos ftw 6 comments
Why’re my eyes so bad??? 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Look at it this way - no pun intended - you could’ve been born with bad eyesight thousands of years ago into a hunter-gatherer society that left you to be devoured by wild animals because your poor vision made you ineffectual at gathering resources and a burden on the tribe. Jokes aside, I’m sure you look great in glasses. And laser eye surgery is a snap nowadays. Hang in there!
Edited 6 years ago
Tranos ftw 6 comments
· 6 years ago
#5) Knobula
#4) Dude Looks Like A Lady Deathstrike
#3) The Entrantress
#2) Crossdressandra Nova
#1) Mystake
Edited 6 years ago
#4) Dude Looks Like A Lady Deathstrike
#3) The Entrantress
#2) Crossdressandra Nova
#1) Mystake
These minimalist playing cards 10 comments
Another of those shower thoughts 10 comments
Another of those shower thoughts 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Disclaimer: NSFW. ‘The roots of the term "blow job" begin [...] in the 17th century, to be exact, when to "blow" meant to bring someone to orgasm. In the same time period, a "blowsy" meant a down-on-her-luck woman [...] The term "blow" wasn't applied specifically to fellatio, however, until 1930, when we saw the first recorded usage of it in a pulp novel called Nell Kimball: Her Life as an American Madam. It also featured into a popular underground poem that circulated in 1948 called "The Platonic Blow," [...] and which is about exactly what it sounds like. [...] The first recorded usage of "blow job" was in a Tijuana Bible — a type of comic book that depicted popular cultural figures engaged in explicit sexual acts — printed in 1948, which featured one McCarthy-era male politician telling another, "You give such good blow jobs." And with that, we never looked back, America!’ (Bustle.com, Why Is It Called A 'Blow Job' When There Isn't Any Blowing?, Feb 2015)
Doing it for the kids 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Agreed. These are all inmate volunteers, whether juvenile or adult. No one is ‘making’ teenage prisoners fight the fires. Yes, the pay for the inmates is only around $2/day, which is ethically debatable. But I don’t think anybody’s being forced to fight these fires. In fact, they need all the help they can get.
An adventure awaits this guy 4 comments
· 6 years ago
100% would pick him up. I suspect an adventure, a free ring, and a ride on a Great Eagle would shortly commence.
Hue 4 comments
· 6 years ago
One said sex slips into the way that you think. The other has sex by slipping something into your drink.
Edited 6 years ago
He lives! 19 comments
· 6 years ago
After those comments, you two need to just beat it.
Edited 6 years ago
Busses carrying pilgrims in Mecca looks like cassette tapes 1 comments
· 6 years ago
No way you can convince me that’s not the bargain bin at HMV Records in 1992.
Innocent 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Won’t lie, getting acknowledged by a random stranger’s baby feels almost as good to me as getting a response from a dog who doesn’t like people in the meme from half a day back.
Edited 6 years ago
Smoothing it out 9 comments
· 6 years ago
I saw this in the middle of the .gif and thought it was some elaborate new rendition of ‘legs or hot dogs.’
Relationships 6 comments
· 6 years ago
@ajhedges Now that makes sense. I’m reminded of the meme where the girl said ‘I have Hulu, Netflix and Sling on my phone and have guys paying for all of it’ to which another woman replied something like ‘Women used to literally have men die over them but now they give it up over $10 apps.’ That’s where my mind goes when I see memes like these. @strongsad It wasn’t about how much you can get, it was about what people seemed to be willing to tie the knot over. Marriage is a big decision. A Happy Meal - without getting the context behind giving it - just seemed like way too casual of a trigger to get hitched for my tastes.
Edited 6 years ago
Relationships 6 comments
· 6 years ago
So, I hate to say it, but am I the only person who’s mildly disturbed by these ‘and then he held the door open for me and bought me a Krispy Kreme and little does he know I picked out my wedding dress’ memes. I mean, they’re funny and all. And I know it’s the little things that can make you fall in love with someone. But a $10 cab ride and MAYBE a 12-piece McNuggets seems a little too little to be shopping for rings, drunk or not. I kinda wanna be like don’t forget to pick up your standards when you’re picking out the flowers for your wedding. No issues with the memes. But the people in them sometimes make me a little concerned...
Sure hope so 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Check out the story ‘Seven’ on Reddit (r/shortscarystories). This meme would be the artwork for that story.
i do suffer when i paint if i drink enough of it 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Why does he look like a chunky, bewildered Edna Mode from The Incredibles?